Chapter 10

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The next morning Uraraka woke up with the biggest headache of her life. Feeling the light hit her eyes she groaned in irritation as she rolled over to the other side which caused her stomach to protest at the sudden movement.


"No..." Pulling the covers over her face she tried to ignore whoever it was that decided to interrupt her sleep.


"Tsu?" Slowly sitting up she rubbed her dry eyes as she looked around her room wondering how she even managed to get into her bed in the first place, but that thought was quickly overshadowed by the ongoing pain in her head, making her wince.

"Come in." She croaked, feeling her throat in desperate need of water. Giving a tired smile as her eyes landed on her nightstand where there sat a cup of water along with some aspirin.

"Ochaco are you alright?" Tsu grinned, letting herself in and sitting down next to her.

Shaking her head and regretting it, Uraraka slowly sat up. "I'm never doing that again."

"Uh-huh." Rubbing her back soothingly Tsu smile. "At least someone brought you something." She said pointing towards the nightstand.

"Did you have a headache?"

"Just a little. Probably not as much as the rest of you."

Pouting Uraraka frowned for a moment before speaking again. "Hey Tsu, did you bring me to my room?"

"No, Momo and I were busy getting Jirou and Hagakure to their rooms which wasn't easy."

"I bet." Uraraka giggled. "Well then who did?"

Lifting a finger to her cheek Tsu tilted her head. "Well, I know Mina, Kirishima and Bakugo told the others that they were going to help you since you were on the same floor anyways. Ribbit. So maybe one of them made sure to give you that." She gestures to the water.

"Maybe..." Uraraka thought for a minute hoping that Kirishima and especially Bakugo didn't see her like that. "That's just embarrassing." She groaned laying back down.

Laughing Tsu shook her head. "Trust me, you're not the only one that's having a hard time this morning. Midoriya and I have been making the rounds this morning to make sure everyone's up to avoid any suspicions from last night."

"Really?" She asked which Tsu nodded in reply.

"We should hurry. Momo and Sato are making breakfast for everyo-" unable to finish her sentence once she saw Uraraka quickly run to the bathroom. With a deep sigh Tsu made her way towards the bathroom. "There goes another one..."


Once she was finally able to get ready for the day and still exhausted, she and Tsu headed down the elevator to meet everyone for breakfast.

"Seems like almost everyone's here." Tsu said to her as they walked towards the kitchen.

You could smell the wonderful food all around but to Uraraka it made her stomach turn and all she really wanted was something to wake her up instead of feeling like a walking zombie like a few of her friends who were already slouched on the table.

"Hey Sato, Momo." She greeted while the two did the same.

"Hey Ochaco, I hope you're hungry. We made quite the spread this morning." Yaoyorozu smiled.

"Great." She smiled headed straight for the coffee machine. "First I'll have a nice hot-oh man..." Pouting once she realized it was all already gone.

"Sleep well?"

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