Chapter 35

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"Ok, tell me again why we're doing this?" Sweating and breathing heavily, Uraraka found herself staring at the high ceiling of gym Gamma wishing she was snuggled up nice and comfy in her bed even though it was way too early for that. From the moment she woke up and off to Hawks agency the next day it felt like she was running around nonstop so once it was time to finally head on home, she wanted nothing more than just ...sleep. But instead, she was met with Bakugo already waiting for her.

Tiredly turning her head in his direction where he was currently stretching, she saw him swiftly turn his gaze to her. "What? training?"

"When you said you had plans for us...I thought you meant something else." She tiredly groaned slowly sitting up and accepting his hand to help her on her feet.

Frowning, he quickly looked at their surroundings. "Like what? I know you're tired but that doesn't mean we get to skip out on training."

Rolling her eyes, she quickly started stretching her already sore muscles. "Yeah, but you had a day off." She grumbled to herself, or she thought she did until she saw him cross his arms over his chest making her smile sheepishly at being caught.

"Oi I never slack off, even after a day's work." He pointed out which she hated to admit was true. It didn't matter how exhausted he was, he made it a point to still exercise and train whether it was before school or after his work studies. "Ochaco, I swear if you roll your damn eyes one more time-"

"You'll what?" she tiredly giggled unaware she was even doing it in the first place.

With a sly smirk he slowly approached her. "Are you really wanting to find out?"

Unable to help herself as soon as he stood in front of her with his spiky wild hair even more disheveled due to their workout, sweat glistening all over the exposed skin if his arms and neck and his crimson eyes seeming ablaze as he let his eyes lock on her. She seriously hoped she wasn't drooling all over herself- and if she was could you really blame her?

She didn't know what encouraged her to do it whether it was the intense way he was staring at her or the weird sudden heat building in her stomach. "M-maybe I do." she gave him a coy smile.

His face quickly changed from that of playful confidence to surprise at obviously not having expected that from her and back to his usual unfazed expression. "Come on. Let's go again."

She didn't miss the slight tint of red on the tips of his ears as he turned around to walk to the opposite end, and thankful that he didn't see her oncoming blush until he stopped walking at her next words.

"But do we really have to?"

Rolling his neck and shoulders he made sure to give her an annoyed look. "Yes. Why, what would you rather be doing?"

'Great now I put myself on the spot.' She internally freaked but decided that she might as well tell him what she thought he meant when he invited her out. "I-I don't know we could hang out...a date maybe...?"

Tilting his head to the side he eyed her carefully. "A date?"

"Y-yeah." Feeling like she just wanted to run out of there and disappear she nervously started pressing her fingertips together. "Maybe...?"

"Ochaco." Placing his hand against her fingers to stop her he gave her a small smile which made her eyes widen. "If that's what you wanted you should've just said so."


"Besides, are you sure? Given what happened the last time we were out on a date."

"You mean..."

"Having almost the whole fuckin class there with us like it was some damn field trip and getting attacked that same night- yeah that."

Pressing her lips together she couldn't hide her disappointment at the mention of their first date. It was true that none of it happened like either one of them had expected and a lot of people got hurt during the attack whether it was physically or emotionally, and some were still dealing with the after effect including herself, but the date itself...she wouldn't change it at all.

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