Chapter 44

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It was now the next day and after some much-needed rest and food the previous night, Uraraka found her mood to have lightened. She still felt a little under the weather but after Bakugo's visit last night she couldn't help but smile at the thought of him. Who would've thought two years ago that Bakugo would go out of his way to do something like this. After making sure she ate something and felt a little better he left her room but not before asking what she had planned for the next day.

She felt bad about already making plans with both Kirishima and Mina -even though he made it clear he didn't mind, so she couldn't let the chance slip by to spend more time with him. Which is why she suddenly found herself in this predicament.

"Alright, so you wanna tell me again why you decided to drag Bakugo along?" Kirishima whispered and discreetly leaned sideways to make sure to keep his voice down while his buddy was trying his best not to go off on Deku and Tsu walking next to him and trying to include him in one of their conversations, occasionally turning to glance back at them and giving them suspicious glares.

"Oi what the hell are you two whispering for?"

"What?!" they both stiffened worried they would be found out.

"Pfft we're not whispering. Dude you're getting way too paranoid." Kirishima grinned hoping it would convince him.

"Y-yeah, don't be silly." Uraraka sheepishly rubbed the back of her head.

"Uh-huh..." Raising a brow, Bakugo shoved his hands into his pockets and continued to silently follow along a rambling Deku.

"Now back to my question." Kirishima whispered.

"Yeah girl what's the deal." Mina took a second to lift her eyes from her many bags before digging through them again. "Wasn't this supposed to be part of finding him a gift."

"Mina Shhh!"

"Oh relax you two. Blasty is too busy screaming at the two up front."

Glancing up she could clearly see that it was in fact true and was sure to hear about it later.

They were strolling around the mall, each already holding various shopping bags and doing last minute Christmas shopping for their party tomorrow. Uraraka didn't even want to think what he would say if he found out that she was still searching for his gift since in Bakugos terms it would mean that she was slacking...which she certainly wasn't. It just seemed that nothing she found so far was good enough.

Which is why she enlisted the help of Kirishima. The others decided to tag along because they also needed to shop. Dragging her eyes to something shiny around the blonds neck she couldn't stop the warmth that began in her chest thinking that maybe she wasn't so bad at buying him gifts after all and felt her lips lift into a soft smile when she saw him absentmindedly rub his thumb against the tag. The simple gesture wouldn't really be noticed by anyone else but she's been catching him sometimes proudly playing with the tag when he thought she wasn't watching.

"Uraraka?" Kirishima curiously eyed her, watching as her face soften as she watched Bakugo up front before sharing the same knowing look with Mina.

Deku was currently asking Bakugo about what type of jewelry girls would like since Melissa wasn't going to be able to make it he would have to wait. But he was hoping to go see her at least for a couple of days after their ski trip.

"Ok how about these earrings?" Deku asked looking at a pair on display by one of the windows they passed by.

"Um earings? I'm not sure..." Tsu titled her head.

"Well would you like them?"

"M-me?" Tsu turned to look back at the pair of earrings with a light blush on her cheeks. "I'm not sure Midoriya but if I had to pick, I think those would be nice." She pointed at the set next to them which included a simple green pair. "But that's just me, I'm not sure what Melissa would like."

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