Chapter 9

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"Took you long enough!"

Snickering the guy took off his hat while looking over at the voice. "Would you relax little brother."

"Yeah, easy for you to say Kenzo!"

"Keep your damn voice down! Or do you want to be caught?" Kenzo snapped gritting his teeth. "You're lucky I even let you come in the first place because the moment you heard she was going to be there, I literally had to tie you up as soon as you saw her. So, if it weren't for me this whole plan would've gone out the window."

"Now you're just being over dramatic."

"Am I?" Kenzo glared at Kage. "I'm not the one who's been keeping an eye on her for the last year."

"Alright you got me there." Kage grinned. "But I can't help it when I know she wants to be with me she just hasn't realized it yet."

"Right. And I'm being over dramatic?"

"Oh, you would be saying something completely different if Toga was here huh?"

Dangerously narrowing his eyes Kenzo walked over to him. "Togas different. So, I don't ever want to hear you even say here name got it?"

"Pfft yeah yeah I won't talk about your little crush." Kage laughed. "No matter how psychotic that bitch is." He mumbled. "By the way, has she said anything about...?"

Opening the door to their car Kenzo shrugged. "She has, and don't worry you'll get what you want soon."

"And I can't fuckin wait!" Grinning Kage looked back at the club while Kenzo gave him a disapproving look. "In case you're wondering. I also talked to him."

"Yeah?" Kage snorted. "What did he have to say?"

"Same thing." Kenzo said leaving the parking lot.



Leaning back in his seat Bakugo tried to observe what was happening in front of him. He knew for a while now, having experienced it firsthand with his annoying group of friends, to never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups...but this shit was just ridiculous!

On one side of the room, he saw Jirou laughing hysterically at something Kaminari was saying out of all people. Todoroki was talking to Yaoyorozu longer than usual making Bakugo pissed off and it took everything he had to stay in his seat.

Didn't that guy know that Uraraka was right there? How fucked up was that!

And that's how he found himself sitting next to a surprisingly and unnerving calm Mina with an amused expression as they both continued to watch Kirishima and Uraraka laughing in front of them poking each other's faces.

"Oh, what the fuck am I looking at?"

"Shhh don't ruin the moment!" Mina whispered.

"Guys are you ok?" Deku asked sitting down next to Bakugo with water bottles.

"Of course, I am Dekuuuu." Uraraka grinned with rosier cheeks than usual. "I am sitting next to THE pink riot after all!"

"It's Red Round-face, Red." Bakugo snickered.

"Hey let it be. Pink can also be very manly." Kirishima grinned winking at Mina who started laughing.

"Oh, fuck me." Bakugo rubbing his temple feeling a headache approaching at having to deal with this.

Looking appalled Kirishima stared wide eyed at him. "I will do no such thing sir. I'm happily taken."

"Aw babe that is so sweet." Mina said, placing a hand on her chest.

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