Chapter 3

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"What is the meaning of this?!" Mr. Aizawa glowered at them as the crowd moved aside leaving Mina and Kaminari still clinging onto each other with an annoyed Kirishima and Uraraka trying to pull them apart.

"Wow Eraserhead you sure have your hands full with these kids huh?" Present Mic said smiling at them.

"THERES ANOTHER FIGHT GOING ON OUTSIDE!" one of the support course students yelled from outside.

"You've got to be kidding me?" The Erasre hero exchanged looks with Mic. "Everyone get to class now!" he shouted over his shoulder running towards the front doors just as the building shook quickening their pace. "For their sake it better not be any of my students..."

Once outside it didn't take them long before finding the source of all the destruction outside.

"Oh boy..." Smacking his palm on his forehead Present Mic started to sweat. "Don't tell me it's those two?!"

"COME ON YOU HALF AND HALF BASTARD IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!" Bakugo shouted running on sheer anger as he stood on shaky legs followed by the other boy.

"Not even close!" Todoroki said, still glaring at each other breathing heavily.

"Bakugo! Todoroki! ENOUGH!"

Ignoring their teachers, knowing most likely they wouldn't be able to use their quirks, they instantly charged at each other not hesitating to throw punches.

"What is it?!" Deku and Iida said coming up behind their teacher.

"Why aren't you in class?" Mr. Aizawa said over his shoulder as he ran towards the two boys now wrestling on the ground.

"We were looking for our two missing classmates." Iida said staring wide eyed at the two. "Seems we found them."

"Kacchan, Todoroki stop!"

"KNOCK IT OFF YOU TWOOOOO!" Present Mics' booming voice echoed through the grounds as they both clutched their ears but instantly resumed their fight blinded with rage.

"HEY! ENOUGH!" Mr. Aizawa's scarf wrapped tightly around the two who still tried to get to the other but were now unable to. "What is the meaning of this?!" his red eyes bore up down on them. "EVERYONE LEAVE NOW!" Flinching not wanting to question him, the students quickly scattered away. "And as for you two! You better have a lot of explaining to do!"

"Eraser..." Present Mic said looking around at all of the destruction outside.

Nodding, Mr. Aizawa didn't remove his eyes from the two who now remained silent, covered in sweat, dirt with various cuts and bruises. "I know. I got it. You go on ahead and make sure everyone's where their supposed to be."


"Out of all my years I've never had to deal with a group as troublesome as you. This is your third year at UA and I would've thought that by now you understood the rules! You are all about to finish school to become pro heroes and this is the way you want to act?! Like a bunch of children that don't even know the meaning of control?! I have no idea what's gotten into you all and on your first day back no less. But behavior like what we saw today will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes Mr. Aizawa..." the whole class murmured looking at their desks.

"I have a mind to expel every single one of you or just cancel all of your participation for the upcoming sports festival this year."

Snapping their heads up he could see the panic in all of their faces.

"But luckily for you the principal decided that since it is your last year here that that wouldn't be an option. So be thankful you're not in your rooms right now packing." he said, staring at every single face. "Now that being said, for the five that have detention today you know who you are. As for everyone else you're dismissed."

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