Chapter 22

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Looking through some of her clothes she had laying on her bed, Uraraka couldn't decide on what to pick. She also made it a point not to come home too late since her train would be leaving earlier in the morning for her hometown. Picking up her phone, she saw she still had time before they were leaving and decided to text the girls for help.


Frowning at the gentle knock on her door she slowly smiled. "Well, that was fast." What she didn't count on was opening her door to a scowling Bakugo standing there. "Bakugo?"


Confused, she started to blink profusely, not having expected to see him there let alone looking somewhat hesitant "H-hey, what's up?"

"You busy?" he asked, letting his eyes flicker inside her room where he saw her clothes on her bed.

"Oh." Looking over her shoulder she gave him a sheepish smile. "Not really, I'm just having a hard time deciding what to wear. But you can come in if you want." She said watching him shake his head.

"It's fine, this won't take long."

"Are you coming out tonight?" she asked hoping he wouldn't notice the hopefully look in her eyes.

"No, I've got other shit to do."

"Oh..." Trying her best to mask her disappointment as her voice dropped, she simply gave a small smile. "Like training?"

With the sudden need to shove his hands in his pockets by reflex, he looked away at her teasing smile, feeling his palm already sweating surprised that after all this time she still made him sometimes feel like he was still fifteen instead of the mature eighteen-year-old man he knew he was.

Clearing his throat after she was still waiting for him for God knows hold long, he blurted the first thing that came to mind. "Heard you're going back to Hawks." 'Nice one idiot.'

"Yeah, I thought about the other offers, but this just seemed like a better fit for now- at least since I've already been training with him."

"Makes sense." He said even though he was secretly hoping she would've picked Endeavor instead but it's not like those two agencies never worked together. Besides if that's what she wanted then then good for her. But he was still surprised that she would even turn it down when she knew Todoroki would be there.

Feeling the familiar angry bile rise up he started clenching his fist without even realizing it. 'Stupid Icy hot.'


Snapping him out of his thoughts he tried his best to push down the anger knowing it wouldn't do either of them any good. Maybe he should keep his distance like he did before but then again, he knew it would be hard not to want her in his life and he said they'd be friends, right? 'Damn it why did I have to go and tell her that shit!' he internally scolded himself.

"Bakugo? Is that all you needed?" she smiled wondering why he just silently stood there unaware of the internal struggle he was going through.

Slowly blinking at her he knew that was one of the reasons he couldn't stand to be away from her. That smile...

"Hey girl you rang?" Mina happily sang walking down the hall with a ridiculous number of bags even though her room was right next door. "Hey blasty you are coming tonight?"

"Hell no." he glared down at her stuff. "Is that a damn suitcase?"

Proudly looking down she smiled. "Just my makeup."

"Right." Watching her walk pass him and disappear into Urarakas room, he made sure it was just them before clearing his throat. "Anyways, here."

Surprised that she hadn't even noticed him holding anything this whole time, he swiftly held up a bag to her.

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