Chapter 65

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AN: Alright guys here's Chapter 65 sorry took me so long but since I promised to get this out today I'm going to be working on editing the final chapter tonight since it's longer so be on the lookout. Thanks again for reading!

The following day after the battle at the Ipponmichi's home base, and as everyone continued to pick up the pieces of what happened, there was talk about it non-stop on the news as well as around campus. It didn't matter what she did, she couldn't escape the constant questions being thrown at her as well as the rest of the people who were involved. The crowd in front of the UA gates which consisted of the regular reporters who wanted an exclusive with any of the future heroes they could get their hands on where eager to find out anything they could, but since this was still an ongoing investigation the pros as well as police made sure not to divulge any information that could sabotage their chances at getting everyone responsible.

Arriving at the hospital Uraraka and Hawks met Bakugo and Riku there with Todoroki and his family already inside Dabis room to check on him.

"You're late." Bakugo scowled walking over to them and wrapping his arms around her which she happily reciprocated.

"I didn't know we had a schedule." She softly giggled.

"That's because you never listen to me." He gave her a small glare, but it didn't last long when he saw her forced smile. "How did it go?"

"...we weren't allowed to see anyone at the prison yet."

Bakugo took a deep breath from his nose.

"How is he?" Uraraka asked, seeing Riku quietly sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting room.

"Poor bastard's been better."

After the doctor gave them the ok, they followed a silent Riku into the hall briefly stopping by one of the doors.

"Will you be ok?" Uraraka worriedly asked the guy that came to be one of her good friends.

It wasn't long after Dabi finally awoke that he told them where to find Kenzo and that right after what happened with Hana, he managed to find the prisoned woman to help him which was why he didn't question Hana to remove his body from the room. Afterwards he was able to smuggle him out to receive proper help from one of his old colleagues.

But Uraraka could still see the exhaustion and lingering sadness on Riku's face as he pushed the door open.

Kenzo was gazing out the window sitting on the bed, head turned so she couldn't see his face until she heard him sniff the air.

"Well if it isn't my little runt of a brother and his two lowlife friends." Kenzo chuckled.

"OI-" Opening his mouth Bakugo saw Uraraka's shake her head and quickly snapped it shut, crossing his arms, and looking away instead.

"Hey.' Riku said pulling up a chair next to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

Shrugging his shoulders and wincing Kenzo turned to look at him. "Well damn, you look like shit."

"Thanks." Riku sarcastically rolled his eyes.

Scoffing Kenzo looked over Riku's shoulder at Bakugo and Uraraka already having heard most of what happened from the news as well as the police. "Did you give her hell?"

"She's captured." Uraraka saw him shaking his head already deep in thought.

"It'll never be done." He muttered. "Not with her. Not with the Ipponmichi..."

When the silence dragged on Riku cleared his throat trying to keep himself from falling apart. "The doctor said you'll be fine. They said-"

"Enough with the bullshit Riku." Kenzo gave him a warning glare which only made Riku look out the window. "Where's he being held? Tartarus?"

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