Chapter 38

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By the time they finally made it home and pulled into the students' garage they had a few more minutes until curfew.

Just as Uraraka was reaching for the door handle Bakugo stopped her. "What's wrong?"

"It's just that once we go inside all those losers are going to..."

"It's fine." She grinned placing a quick peck on his cheek. "I left my balcony open."

"Oh yeah?" He gave her a mischievous smirk enjoying the fact that she thought ahead as he walked around the car to open the door for her and she stepped out.

"W-well yeah since we're on the same floor it'll help." she said running to catch up to him as he jogged over to get closer to her balcony door.

Activating her quirk on both of them, they silently managed to get inside without any trouble or anyone seeing them. So, once she closed her balcony door, she swiftly turned to see him waiting for her.

"Thank you for the date, Katsuki. I really liked it."

"No problem. You know there'll be plenty more." He smirked, walking up to her, and gently placing his hands on her sides slowly caressing her waist.

"Really?" She gave a coy smile before getting on her tip toes and meeting his lips halfway.

"Uh-huh." He chuckled between kisses and walking backwards to the door. "Ochaco, I'm going to go."

"Ok." she mumbled opting to give him quick kisses instead and feeling him smile against her lips.


"The hell?" he whispered glaring over his shoulder at whoever decided to knock on her door at this time.

Shrugging her shoulders equally perplexed she made sure he was hidden behind her door before she slowly opened it to find Todoroki quietly standing there.

"T-Todoroki hey! W-what are you doing here?"

"Hey, I just came by to let you know that Iidas been doing his rounds and has been looking for you."

"Oh really?" she said curiously looking down the hall.

"Yeah, Midoriya and I have been trying to call you." he said wiggling his phone in front of him.

Pulling her phone out of her purse she could indeed see a few missed calls and messages from the two and her face heat up. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

"It's fine." He gave her a small smile, but she could see that he didn't look much like himself and seemed like he wanted to say more but decided against it at the last minute as he turned to leave. "I'll let you get to bed. Goodnight."

"Wait, Todoroki!" she said staring at him worriedly. After spending so much time with the stoic boy she could tell when something was bothering him. "Is everything ok?"

"Not really." He quietly said furrowing his eyebrows and averting his gaze to the floor. "I went to see my brother today..."


"Yeah." Pressing his lips together, he slowly walked closer to her placing the back of his hand on her forehead. "What about you, are you feeling alright? You look a little flushed."

She could feel herself blushing even more and panic sink in once she heard the obvious growl behind her door. "Y-yes I'm fine I promise."

"Ok, well do you think that when you're free we could grab lunch and talk?"

"Sure. We'll set something up tomorrow." She gave him a gentle smile knowing that his visit this time must've been bothering him more. It seemed like anytime he went to visit his brother at the hospital Todoroki would come back even quieter than usual, at least as of lately, so of course she wanted to be there for him.

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