Chapter 24

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Fidgeting with her finger pads she awkwardly looked around the office hoping to distract herself.

"Everything ok Ochaco?" Mrs. Uraraka said with a small smile, her eyes fixated on the computer screen.

"Mm-hmm." She smiled.

"And what time will you be home?" She turned to face her daughter.

"I shouldn't be long since it's just dinner." Just as she said that she heard knocking on the door.

"Come in." Mrs. Uraraka said smiling as soon she saw who it was. "Hello Bakugo, I trust your doing well?"

"Can't complain." he said shoving his hands in his pocket. "Just picking up pink cheeks over here."

"Right." Uraraka said, getting up and trying to cover her slight blush when her mom gave her a knowing smile.

"Ok have fun and drive carefully please." Mrs. Uraraka said, watching them leave before turning back to the computer.

"You ready?" Bakugo said running down the steps and waiting for her to catch up.

"Where's Kirishima?"

"Fucker decided to wait in the car." He said walking over to his car and opening the passenger side for her.

Smiling now that she could see it in the daytime and not heavily influenced by alcohol, she could truly see how beautiful it was but quickly shook that thought out of her head and got inside once she noticed Bakugo impatiently waiting for her with a hint of pink dusting his cheeks before he closed the door for her.

"Hey Uraraka! how's it going?" Kirishima greeted from the backseat.

"Great." She beamed at him giving him a hug while Bakugo walked around the car. "Did you want to sit up here?"

"Nah I'm good right here." He grinned his toothy grin giving her a slight wink.

"Are you sure?" she narrowed her eyes. "I don't mind."

"Oh no but I insist."

"Alright shut it both you." Bakugo grumbled, closing his door. "Idiot did you touch the radio again?!"


Rolling his eyes Bakugo changed it back to where he had it and started driving off.


Keeping her hands in her lap she started to nervously twiddle her thumbs trying to distract her racing mind while the Bakugo and Kirishima continued talking. She didn't mind going to eat with them but being stuck in a car and not just any car but Bakugos car- that smelled just like him she had no way to escape the moving vehicle so she was stuck having to sit this close to him smiling every so often when she would hear him chuckling. Another internal conflict she was having was the fact that before when she was tipsy-not drunk like others would disagree- she didn't think too much about it. But watching him drive stirred something inside her.

What was wrong with her? and not just that but he was a surprisingly calm and careful driver which part of her did remember.

"Hey Uraraka, you've been quiet." Kirishima pointed out, not that he needed to since Bakugo did nothing but keep his eyes between her and the road.

"Oh, I'm just thinking how nice the car is."

"Have you driven before?" Kirishima asked leaning forward in his seat genuinely curious.

Shaking her head, she felt somewhat embarrassed. "No, I never got the chance too." She quietly said, remembering how her dad had always wanted to but because of work they were always too busy, and she didn't want to burden them after a long day of work.

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