Chapter 5

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AN: Hey everyone hope you enjoy this chapter I really had a lot of fun writing it!

Laying lazily around the common area wearing their pajamas while the tv was quietly playing in the background, the girls of class 3-A found themselves resting after a rather tiring day. After the exercise Uraraka was told to go see Recovery Girl for her back which without complaint she quickly did thankful for the assistance of the pro hero. The only downside being that she felt beyond tired now but tried her best to stay awake since it was Minas turn at the game.

"Well alright Jirou what will it be?"

"Well, I guess since everyone's been too chicken I'll go for dare." She shrugged receiving popcorn thrown at her.

"Go Jirou!" Hagakure happily cheered.

"And for the record I've picked dare too." Mina grinned sticking her tongue out. "Alright so I want you to go to one of the boys' rooms and see what they're talking about or doing! Simple as that!"

Giving her a deadpanned look Jirou crossed her arms. "Ew I don't think so."

Ignoring everyone's laughter Mina shook her head. "No, I'm talking about... I know Kirishima and the others are playing video games right now in his room so just listen in to what they're saying for five minutes that's all, then report back."

"If you wanted to eavesdrop on your boyfriend, you could just say." Hagakure giggled receiving a playful shove from the pink girl.

"Of course not."

Contemplating her options Jirou got to her feet. "Fine I'll go."

"You sure?"

"She'll be fine Ochaco, but you know what-you should go with her just in case."

"What why?" she said tilting her head. "Jirou you want me to-uhm ok." feeling herself being yanked up by her Uraraka gave Jirou an amused look.

"That's my girl!" Mina grinned mischievously. "And while you're at it I've got a dare for you already Ochaco."

"Eh?" Blinking back at Mina Uraraka gaped at her "Wait I didn't say dare yet!"

"Yeah, but since you guys will be gone, I figured I'd give it to you now."

"How is that-"

"It's no big deal I just want you to go to any guy's room and take 1 thing as proof." Waving off Urarakas hesitant look Mina continued. "Don't worry you'll eventually put it back."

"Good luck!" Hagakure waves.

"Gee thanks." Uraraka made it a point to give the pink girl an annoyed look which she returned by blowing her a kiss.

Pouting Uraraka begrudgingly followed Jirou up the elevator.

"Alright girls remember to report back!"


"Dude! come on at least let me win one!" Kaminari whined throwing the controller down.

"Hell, no Pikachu it's not my fault you suck at this game!" Bakugo grinned proudly leaning back in the chair.

Snickering Sero gulped down the rest of his soda. "When has Bakugo ever let any of us win."

"True." Kirishima grinned, picking up the controller off the ground.

"What's the damn point in playing if you all going to bitch about getting your asses handed to ya."

"It's called having fun bro. You should look it up." Kaminari threw himself on Kirishima's bed.

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