Chapter 66

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AN: Last chapter guys and I hope you all have your tissues ready since we're getting ready to graduate 😭 yeah I'm a hot mess right now, this last chapter really took a lot out of me but I'm happy with the outcome and hopefully you are too. So sad to see this one end but I know you guys have been waiting for this. So without further delay here is the final chapter for Welcome To UA High: 3-A Graduation!

It was finally graduation day for Classes A and B and the air around the school was buzzing, especially the two hero course dorms with students rushing around to do last minute things and moving their stuff out of the place. Height Alliance was filled with a mix of emotions as the last day felt unreal. This was it.

After today everyone would go their separate ways and live their separate lives, away from the cafeteria, away from all the teachers they came to know and respect to start their hero lives. So, it came as no surprise when Mina as well as some of the others couldn't stop the waterworks that day and constantly running around to take pictures.

Since all third-year courses had already graduated except the hero course students the school itself was fairly empty. The library, the gyms, training fields and the classrooms all felt too quiet for her liking as Uraraka slowly made her rounds throughout the school, letting the echoes of her footsteps litter the bare halls and dragging her fingertips against the opened lockers.

Unlike Bakugo who was busy getting the small area next to the graduation stage ready for one small performance afterwards and already being bombarded by both his mom and dad who eagerly arrived early, he already had his hands full. That still didn't stop him from complaining about being left alone to deal with them as she slipped away.

She did however manage to convince her mom and aunt to arrive closer to the time of the ceremony since she did have another matter to address first, which is how she found herself standing at the opened doorway of their soon to be old classroom of 3-A with the three boys starring back at her. "You're here."

The sudden deafness of the room grew heavy after a few minutes. The thought alone of what she had just said echoed in her own ears as her heart ached and clenched. She felt numb, so numb in fact she barely recognized her own voice as she spoke. And it seemed the three staring at her took notice, remaining quiet and in shock as the words tried to sink in.

It felt like eternity since someone spoke and Uraraka knew that this would happen. Knew that this was the reason she asked for them specifically to meet her and knew that out of all of them he would be the first to break the silence.

"Oh man...this is unreal." Kirishima's eyes had been glued to the desk in front of him the whole time, eyes trembling and hands gripping the edge of the desk on which he was sitting. "Can't be. No!" He jumped off the desk furiously shaking his head staring disbelieving at all of their glum faces. "You can't seriously believe this!"


"No Uraraka, what you're saying doesn't make sense ok! We won! That's it!" he shouted, clenching his fists so hard it pained him but didn't care. "We spilled blood and sweat to finish this and now you're telling me this?!" When he saw her lower head, he frowned, turning back to the other two. "Tell her guys! You can't seriously believe all this! Tell her Midoriya!"

The moment the One for All user met his eyes Kirishima took a shocked step back recognizing it as defeat.

"Kirishima..." Uraraka quietly said keeping her eyes down. "Deku was there, he saw it too."

"That doesn't change anything!" he snapped unwilling to believe what he's hearing. How could he when this involved people he cared about? They were done with this; this is the part where they are supposed to feel nothing but happiness from here on out and if possible, get matching tattoos or something. Not this. "I mean how can we be sure that what she showed you guys isn't a lie?"

Welcome To UA High: 3-A GraduationWhere stories live. Discover now