Chapter 58

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AN: So just decided to give you guys a fair warning that our poor babies are going to go through it. 😭

She felt her chest quickly rise and fall, her eyes darting from left to right as both boys continued to pant after Toga who had long since reverted back to her normal form and let Bousou have his fun in pummeling them.

"Stop it! Please stop!" she continued to shout through the tape but only came out muffled as the tears continued to trickle down her moist cheeks.

Lifting her hand Toga signaled for Bousou to stop while keeping her eyes glued to Uraraka. "What's the matter Ochaco? Not enjoying the show?" Toga grinned stretching her arms above her head before jumping out of her seat and extracting a knife. "I suppose you're right. I wonder what else we'll do to them?"

A sob rose in Urarakas throat as tears continued to prickle her eyes and she struggled against her own restraints. She met both pairs of eyes as sweat continued to gather on their exhausted bruised and bloodied faces, but both Deku and Bakugo continued to reassure her with a slight nod that they were ok.

"And I guess you have a lot of questions for me too, don't you my sweet little Ochaco?" Toga giggled walking around Uraraka's chair and playfully twirled the knife in her hand.

"Get away from her!"

Shooting Bakugo a warning glance, Toga leaned closer to her dragging the knife down Urarakas cheek, not enough to draw blood but enough to make the gravity user wince.

"I can't lie and say I didn't enjoy our girl talks." Toga smiled when she saw Uraraka turn her face away. "I told you that you couldn't get rid of me, didn't I? From the moment I took Ms. Yano's form and applied to UA I've kept my eyes on you."


"UGH having to sit there and talk and talk and talk to a bunch of high school kids for the last couple of years could be so annoying! But then again it was worth it." Toga moved to face her. "I waited patiently for you to come to me...tried to steer you in my direction with Yasha's ongoing nightmares but nothing worked! But when you did come and see me eventually...I was so happy." Toga happily grinned turning in circles until she abruptly stopped "But then he had to come and ruin everything!" she pointed her knife towards Bakugo who didn't dare remove his eyes from them. "Just like he always did!" Turning back to face Uraraka Toga let her eyes drop down. "Don't you get it Ochaco...he's always been between us...I'm trying to make you see, I'm trying to make you understand that he's not good enough for you!"

'Yes he is!' She mentally tried to scream out to him when she met his eyes.

Snapping her head up Toga's face could barely contain the sadness and anger whirling around in her. "I hated you...I still do bestie. You took EVERYTHING from me! I wanted you dead! I still do...but before I can finally let you go...I need you to suffer. To suffer as much as I have, to have everything taken away from you the way you did me...."

"Don't!" Deku shouted wincing from the pain.

'Toga...' Closing her eyes she could feel the knife lifting her trembling chin.

"After the attack last year, I was thrilled when you started visiting me more frequently - or Ms. Yano I should say, but I needed to make sure you kept visiting me so I gave you a little nudge in my direction!" Toga laughed when Urarakas eyes widened as the blood drained from her face, and tears started to gather once more in her shaking eyes. "Yup you got it bestie! Your precious daddy had to go and I enjoyed every single minute of it!"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Bakugo shouted struggling with the restraints and ignoring the pain on his wrists. "DON'T LISTEN TO HER!"

"You know I'm getting really tired of you." Toga nodded her head letting Bousou get in a good punch to his stomach making the blond grunt and cough out in pain. "Don't you know it's rude to interrupt?" Toga frowned but it quickly vanished when she thought back to the day. "Your daddy's face was so priceless when he saw his precious little girl run a knife right through his gut. I'll never forget that look." She smiled when she heard Uraraka's muffled screams and cries. "Remember what I told you before...everyone always seems to die around you and they just leave this shouldn't surprise you."

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