Chapter 16

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AN: Hey guys hope you've been enjoying this so far. This chapter was a little interesting to write but it had to be done. You'll see why later.


Sitting outside on one of the benches outside the stadium, Uraraka pulled her knees up to her chin having left shortly after the final match and before anyone else. Leaning her chin on her knees Uraraka continued to watch the flock of people slowly leaving the grounds, trying to savor the time alone she still had.

She still kept playing the last few hours over and over again in her head. But it didn't matter how many times she thought about it...nothing seemed to make sense.

She guessed that a part of her was still in denial about what happened.

Three hours earlier...

Slouching down on her seat next to Deku and Tsu, she couldn't help but feel miserable at what had happened only a an hour ago. She desperately tried to find out who could've been there, but it didn't matter how much she searched she couldn't find anyone. Once she went back to the stairs Todoroki was also gone. 'Great. Maybe I should just go and rest like Recovery Girl said, because I'm obviously hallucinating because there's no way Todoroki did what he did...right?'

Looking around at some of the vacant seats still available she kept her eyes on anyone who started walking in to watch the next match, until Kaminari, Jirou and Kirishima came to take their seats, with the latter keeping his gaze forward.

"Kirishima-" she quietly began.

"Hey where were you guys?" Sero furrowed his brows. "Oh, sorry Uraraka I didn't mean to interrupt."

Giving him a forced smile, she shook her head. "It's ok."

"Well Jirou and I went to grab more snacks. Here want some?"

"Hey Ochaco, are you alright?" Tsu asked watching her curiously. "Did Recovery girl give you the ok?"

"I guess I'm still feeling some side effects, but she said I should start to feel better soon." She tried to give a reassuring smile, but she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it.

"Let us know if you need anything ok." Deku smiled before looking around. "Hey, has anyone seen Todoroki?"

"I believe last I saw him he was on his way to check on Uraraka." Iida said giving her a quick glance. "But he's match with Bakugo is coming up so he should be getting ready as we speak."

"By the way has anyone seen Bakubro? I haven't' seen him in a while." Sero asked.

"He should be getting ready too." Kirishima said with a blank look and concern in his voice that made Urarakas stomach drop.

"I wonder how that will go." Mineta said leaning forward in his chair as both boys started making their way up the stairs now. "Bakugo didn't seem like he was in a very good mood when I saw him earlier."

"Yeah, but that's what you would call normal for him." Hagakure pointed out.

"Yeah, let's just hope they leave this place in one piece." Kaminari said next to Kirishima who continued to see his hot-tempered friend now standing in front of Todoroki with an unreadable expression.

By looking at him Uraraka could tell that Bakugo wasn't his usual self, simply staring back at Todoroki with smoke already coming from his clenched and shaking hands.

"Is everything alright?" Mina whispered to him.

"Not sure." Kirishima said his eyes flickering to Uraraka a few seats in front of him as she stared back, eyes widening and covering her mouth.

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