Chapter 60

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AN: Hey guys I just wanted to tell everyone that's still here reading this story that it honestly means so much to me and just wanted to give you guys the heads up that this chapter contains mature content. We just have a few more chapters to go! 😭(5 to be exact)

Happy Valentines day!


After what happened Toga ordered them to take her back to the cell where she quietly continued to watch Bakugo rest for the next few hours.

Leaning her mouth against her knees, Uraraka continued to tighten her grip around her legs unable to do anything but let her mind do reruns of everything that's happened. Constantly finding herself coming in and out of sleep, unsure of how long she's even slept. Sometimes it felt too short, sometimes it felt too long to keep her eyes away from him.

She would find herself jolt awake at times especially when the door swung open just to allow two trays of food and water in, which she tried to ignore most of the time but after a while her stomach wouldn't allow her to forget anymore reminding her that she needed all her strength to escape this place.

And where was Deku? Was he alright? Where were they keeping him? Was he alone? What were they doing to him? And where was everyone?"


Furrowing her brows when she felt herself being shaken awake, she slowly opened her eyes to see a familiar pair of crimson ones staring back at her. "K-Katsuki?"

Nodding he couldn't contain the small tears gathering in the rim of his eyes after she blinked away the sleep from her beautiful brown ones. "Yeah, it's me Angel face."

With trembling lips, she couldn't keep the sob from escaping as she abruptly wrapped her arms around his neck, desperate to hold onto him with everything she had and let herself cry when he hugged her back, burying his face into her neck. "I thought I'd lost you..." she choked out.

"Me too." Shaking his head, he cupped both of her cheeks, knowing full well what she meant since he was worried, he would never get to see those chocolate eyes again. "You can never get rid of me that easily remember."

Chuckling, she wiped away the tears.

"You scared the shit out of me cheeks." He gave a faint smile only remembering her strapped to the damn chair unresponsive and then again when they dragged him back here and he crawled over to be next to her. The next thing he knew he had woken up five minutes ago without so much as a scratch on him, but she was still knocked out. When she wouldn't return his gaze, his face suddenly changed knowing something was wrong. "Ochaco...what happened? Did something happen to you?! Where's Deku?!-"

"I don't know where he is." She tried to keep the constant tears from falling but no matter what she did they wouldn't stop. She tried to explain as best as she could what had occurred while he was out as he gently wiped the tears away with his thumb. "Katsuki, they killed him...they killed him right in front of me...."

Wrapping his arms around her he silently listened as she continued to cry into his chest. What he wouldn't give to take all that pain away. He hated to see her like this, and they had to come up with something and something fast.

They stayed that way for a few minutes until he heard her cries die down to a sniffle. "I almost lost you again..." she whispered.

"Oi..." lifting his head he caught her gaze giving her a gentle smile. "I'm right here ok. It's you and me remember. You're Uravity and I'm Dynamight we'll make it through anything."

Placing her hands on top of his she slowly nodded with eyes that turned soft, filled with an inner glow that made his chest warm, and breath catch in his throat. How the hell did he deserve someone so beautiful?

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