Chapter 18

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AN: Hey guys hope you've enjoyed this so far! Just as a reminder remember none of the characters or songs are mine. So with that said I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great weekend!


"Oh man, my throat hurts from all that yelling today." Mina groaned slumped down on Uraraka bed.

"Yeah well no one told you to yell." She giggled. "I'd hate to see you as a real supervisor."

"You know you'd love me." Mina grinned back but when they heard a faint knock on the door, turning their heads to see Uraraka's mom peek her head in.

"Ochaco, there's someone here to see you."

"Really?" Curiously getting up both girls followed her mom down the stairs being greeted with both Todoroki and...

"Fuyumi!" Mina squealed excitingly right before both women embraced. "It's been so long!"

"You know each other?" Todoroki asked dumbfounded.

"What can I say, I'm a people person." Mina waved him off.

Smiling Fuyumi turned her attention to the quiet girl walking down the last steps. "Hey you must be Uraraka. I'm Shotos sister."

"Oh hi." She smiled.

"Shoto's told me so much about you."

"H-he has?" Raising her brows in surprise, she looked over Fuyumi's shoulder at a gawking and now flustered Todoroki, who grabbed his sister by the arm giving her a death glare.

"I-I mean he's told me how what a great classmate you are...?" she sheepishly laughed looking over at her horrified little brother hoping for the best but knew she would get an earful later.

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Uraraka smiled when she received a hug from her as well.

"It's nice to meet to meet you too. You must be wondering why we're here." Fuyumi smiled looking over her shoulder, discreetly darting her eyes towards Uraraka until Todoroki understood what she meant.

"Oh yes. I was wondering... if you had time to talk and if that was alright with you as well, Mrs. Uraraka. We didn't mean to intrude. And would be more than happy to come back another time."

"Oh, to talk..." Mina whispered along with a nodding Fuyumi.

Smiling at the politeness, Mrs. Uraraka and Aunt Yui both exchanged a smile. "Of course, if it's alright with Ochaco I see no problem. And I must say, you must have some wonderful parents to have raised someone as polite as you. I'll just go make some tea while we girl's chat."

As soon as Mrs. Uraraka and Aunt Yui left for the kitchen everyone exchanged knowing looks with the Todoroki siblings.

"Come on." Uraraka motioned for him to follow her up the stairs.

"I'm sorry we didn't mean to come unannounced, but Fuyumi insisted on me coming and her tagging along... apparently." Todoroki said awkwardly standing in the middle of her room.

"It's fine Todoroki, you've been in my room at UA before." She smiled watching him take an awkward seat next to her. "So, what's up? Isn't this somewhat of a long drive here?"

"It is. I'm actually on way to see my brother after this."

Nodding she started fidgeting with her pillow. "How are you feeling? I know last I checked you were still out."

"Been better." He frowned staring straight ahead. "I was going to wait until we got back to school. But according to Fuyumi and Natsuo- my older brother." He clarified, turning to look at her. "They said they were tired of my 'moping' around and said I needed to get this off my 'emotionally constipated chest' in their own words." Hearing Uraraka laugh made his cheeks warm.

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