Chapter 31

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Peeking one eye open at the sound of constant movement, she swiftly turned on her side trying to cover herself as much as she could from the beating sun letting out a low growl in the process when she could already feel the sweat trickle down her back. "So grossssss..." she whined.

"You're really not a morning person."

"What was your first clue?" she groaned dramatically lowering the piece of cloth from her grumpy face and glaring at an amused Todoroki.

"Just a hunch." He half shrugged standing up and dusting the sand off. "You should get up. Looks like we're finally leaving."


Nodding his head towards the shore she could now see some of the teacher walking around helping the student's load their things into two private planes with Deku animatedly talking with someone she recognized. "Wait is that Melissa?"

"Yeah." Turning his head to the gravity girl Todoroki's eyes briefly widened and she could see his attempt to try and hide the laughter threatening to spill out.

"What? A-are you laughing at me?" she stared in disbelief, realizing that the brown strands of her hair that usually loved to rebel during her morning hours were sticking up in every way imaginable.

"No." he said unable to keep the cute little chuckle from escaping before wrapping his arms around his stomach. "I apologize. I just... haven't seen that since first year's training camp."

Sticking her tongue out she tried looking for one of Minas bags which seemed to be missing. "Great."

"Ashido was one of the first ones on the plane." he offered, seeing the disgruntled pout on her face. "We should do the same. Iidas making sure to round everyone up."

"So, I'm supposed to just walk around like this?!" she continued to try and tame her hair with her hands but failing. So, she did the next best thing trying to tie her hair in a messy bun but some of the strands still wouldn't cooperate. "Does it have a shower?!"

"Um...I don't think we're that lucky."

"Fine." Snatching up her stuff and using it as a shield for both the sun and her appearance she quickly made a beeline to one of the planes with Todoroki jogging to catch up. "Keep up Todoroki!" She ignored the puzzled looks of some of the students still making their way over and Bakugo talking with Mr. Aizawa lifting a curios brow.

'Still not a morning person...' he mused to himself smirking when he saw her wild hair.

Once in the air it seemed like everyone was just as relieved to make it out of the blinding heat, enjoying the much-needed air conditioning, and now donning their clean UA gym clothes the teachers brough along with water and food. It turned out that this 'field trip' as they called it was what they had in mind this whole time deciding since it was their last year there that instead of training camp, they would test the students on how well they would react to any situation they were unprepared for at a moment's notice. That's why they made sure certain students were unavailable on the plane, so the other students would be pushed to their limits and try to think outside the box. They were unprepared for Bakugo to actually wake instead of staying asleep like Deku and Todoroki and astonished by everyone's quick thinking.

Leaving them on the Island was another portion of the test trying to gauge their survival instincts and how they would adapt to any situation as well as keep a level head.

"Frankly I'm surprised that you all lasted as long as you did without using much of your quirks." Mr. Aizawa said standing in front of them. "Vlad King is explaining the same thing to Class B as we speak since we have been monitoring you since the moment you got on the plane for I-Island, as well as on this Island which is actually run by David Shield and actually not quite far from the other island."

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