Chapter 45

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Nervously fidgeting in her seat, Uraraka exchanged nervous smiles with Deku who was sitting on her left with an expressionless Todoroki on the other side of him avoiding his dad's constant stare.

"Where is everyone?" she quietly leaned over and asked.

"I'm not sure myself..." Deku said turning to hear Endeavor scoff.

"It's no surprise that Hawks is late, but it's uncalled for the others to be." Endeavor huffed out, only turning his head when they saw Bakugo enter and quickly pull out a seat next to her.

Raising his brows since all eyes were on him, the blond began to glare back. "Where the hell is everyone?"

Chuckling both Uraraka and Deku smiled. "We were just wondering the same thing."

"You were late too." Todoroki simply stated.

"Had something to take care of." Bakugo said keeping his gaze on the table and tapping his finger. They were expecting him to go off as usual, so when his whole demeanor changed, and he became quiet Uraraka exchanged puzzled looks with both boys who shrugged back. Unsure as to what could have been the cause of his sudden mood change, she hesitantly reached over to touch his hand that was resting on his lap but stopped when the door suddenly swung open to reveal Mr. Aizawa, the principal who popped his head out of his scarf, All might and Best Jeanist.

"Do you always have to do that?" Mr. Aizawa tiredly rolled his eyes when the principal gracefully left the warmth of the scarf to climb onto his seat at the head of the table.

"Sorry Aizawa, with the weather being this cold I just couldn't resist." Principal Nezu happily grinned. "Now I must apologize to everyone here that we're late, but we had to make sure everyone was accounted for since we have a special guest today."


"Hello, Dynamite it's good to see you again." The pro hero nodded, taking a seat opposite him. "But I'm afraid I'm not the one whom the principal is referring to. Although I will say that I, as well as some of the other Hero Agencies have been informed about the things that have been going on and are willing to lend a helping hand."

"So, who is this special guest?" Deku inquired.

"Me!" Hawks grinned walking in next but stopped when he saw the annoyed glare from Endeavor. "What? Don't tell me I'm late again."

Clearing his throat Principal Nezu gave Hawks an amused smile quickly ushering him into the meeting room. "Is he here as well?"

"Oh, you're talking about him?" Hawks pointed his thumb over his shoulder and the four students briefly widened their eyes, surprised to see Riku follow behind the pro. "I believe you have met."

"Oh?" Mr. Aizawa as well as the rest of the pros turned to look at the students.

"Yeah, funny story I ran into them one day when I was eating out with church...reading to kids...on one of my off days..." Hawks sheepishly grinned at their sudden silence knowing full well that this wouldn't go well with the teachers otherwise. "Isn't that right guys?"

Clicking his tongue Bakugo gave Hawks a small glare in response while the other three vigorously nodded.

Lifting an eyebrow Riku did his best to keep the smile from his face. "Thank you all for allowing me to attend this meeting."

"Not at all. We are in your debt after all you've done." The principal smiled. "Would anyone like some tea?"

Sitting down while everyone started to pour themselves a cup, Hawks kept the smile on his face while mouthing the words 'Saved your ass.' To the four, with Uraraka and Deku both covering their embarrassed faces.

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