Chapter 46

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AN: Hey guys, just a heads up that this chapter includes mature content with some description of violence. So don't read unless you're of age. Other than that we're getting closer and closer to the end with a lot more happening and another chapter coming out next week.

Also I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

"Wow..." Uraraka whispered staring hard at the ground. They had been walking for a while now and she still couldn't believe what she was being told. No doubt this was hard for Riku to even confess this to someone and could feel his nervous eyes dart back to her every once in a while. "This is..."

"Yeah, a lot to take in I know. So, you see there's a reason why I haven't told many people."

"Wait, is that why you also didn't want to tell us what quirk you had?"

"Got me there." He sheepishly rubbed his neck. "But yeah, since we have the same dad...Kenzo and I have similar quirks that allow us to change into various animals with some differences of course."

Nodding Uraraka wrapped her jacket closer around her body when a cold breeze blew by. "So, since you two are brothers...that means...."

"Yup, Kage is my little brother." he quietly said, giving her an awkward grin. "Some family huh...?"

"N-No I mean yeah...." She nervously giggled placing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry... I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding how that is and why you're even telling me in the first place."

"Good point." He looked down as they walked. "After what Kenzo's been telling me, I just want you to be careful. I mean I know how troublesome Kage can be and there's a lot of things he does that we don't agree with..."

Pressing her lips together she opted to stay quiet knowing that even though Riku was brothers with the two villains, she also knew he chose to confide in her for a reason.

"Uraraka, I heard that Kage tried to hurt you last year. And I can't apologize enough for that-"

"It wasn't your fault." she firmly said. "But I'd like to better understand why your brothers decided to take a different path than you did."

"Well, that's a rather long story but after what they put you through, I guess I owe it to you." He paused contemplating where to even start. "Kenzo and I...we had the same mother. From what I remember she was beautiful and one of the kindest people I know." He smiled fondly at the memory. "She was always willing to help anyone she could, which is how she met our dad. He was always getting into trouble with the police and things just kept getting worse and worse to the point where he got mixed up with a bad group of people. I'm sure you remember them as the Shie Hassaikai..."

Widening her eyes in shock, she parted her lips to talk but realized nothing would come out.

"Yeah, I remember seeing you guys on TV. Things were different before Overhaul took charge, but that didn't stop a rival group from coming after my mom when they found her ties to my dad." Feeling his throat tighten he pressed on. "After she died... things were never the same. It's as if something in him couldn't accept it and would just find an outlet for his grief whether it was drinking, leaving weeks at a time, or finding anything illegal to get into even if it meant disobeying the boss. He shut's as if he didn't think there was anything else worth living for and didn't care about us even after Kage was born. So of course, when it became too much for him, he would find satisfaction in taking it out on us." clenching his fists his voice turned cold. "I guess you could say that whenever he wasn't home was when Kenzo and I were the happiest, but since I was younger, I would always depend on my big brother to help provide for us even though he was only a year older than me. That's something I regret- I mean how could you expect a seven-year-old to take care of his six- and four-year-old little brothers? That should never happen to anyone...."

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