Chapter 56

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She didn't know how long she'd been in here. How long she'd been sitting on the sad excuse for a bed. The room she was held in was dark and cold with no windows anywhere, stepping foot on the wet and dirty cement sent shivers through her body, and mildew clung to the corners of the walls. The thin mattress she was sitting on had a single old sheet, lumpy pillow, and a plain green scratchy blanket.

After she had come to, she was only able to remember her conversation at the park. She had woken up strapped down to some kind of medical bed with various unknown faces staring down at her, each one wearing a white lab coat. Her whole body ached, and she could barely lift her head when she felt hands roughly grab her by each of her arms dragging her down the pristine white halls.

From her surroundings she could see that this place looked more like a hospital rather than anything else, but you could tell that it was built a long time ago. The ghastly screams that echoed through the halls as they passed each door one by one made reality sink in of what's to come. Every door they passed had a different number attached to it, nothing else that could flat out tell her where she was.

"Take her down to her new room." Toga grinned, leaning down on her knees to be at eye level with a barely conscious Uraraka as she roughly lifted her head by the hair. "Make yourself at home Ochaco. Because now you're stuck with me bestie."

Tightly shutting her eyes at the memory to keep the panic from taking hold of her again, Uraraka took one more look around the dank dark room she was now in. The only sound being the leaky pipe that would sometimes keep her up as well as the constant worry of what would happen and the screams down the hall. But she would prefer the leaky pipe to the screams that would sometimes make themselves at home in her dreams if she managed to get a few minutes in.

Her only hope was that everyone back at the dorms were safe and that someone would eventually come and find her. That's what she continued to cling onto with every fiber of her being. Clutching the black jacket tighter to her body after feeling a cold shiver run through her since she was still wearing her dress, she couldn't help but whimper and wipe the tears from her eyes as she heard the faint echoing of footsteps down the hall.

She was startled when the door suddenly opened and quickly got to her feet watching with wide eyes as three armed guards dragged someone inside before roughly dropping them a few feet from her.

"Don't get too comfortable Dynamight. Bousou isn't done with you yet." One of them snickered right before kicking him harshly.

"Stop it!" she shouted, making them all look at her.

"Is that all you've got?" Bakugo chuckled, grabbing his stomach and wincing. "My grandma hits harder than that shit."

"We'll see about that." They scoffed heading out the door but not before one of them turned to look over his shoulder in her direction. "And you're next pretty thing."

The minute the door slammed shut Bakugo dropped back down clenching his teeth so hard his jaw ached. "Shit..." Wincing even more so when he laid flat on his back and a new wave of pain shot through his body, unable to even hear the quicken footsteps next to him.


"Fuckin assholes..." he groaned with pain ignoring whoever kept calling out to him.

"Katsuki what are you doing here?!" Uraraka kneeled down trying to look over his injuries and was surprised to see him also wearing the same attire for that night.

"Och..." Briefly opening his tired eyes, he saw her looming over him with those pretty brown eyes that stared back in worry before snapping them shut again. "Back off."


Gritting his teeth when he heard the hurt in her voice, he slowly managed to move further away leaning against the far wall. "You heard me." He kept his gaze down allowing his hair to cover any facial expression he may have had. "Unless you're looking for an ass kicking, stay the hell away from me."

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