Chapter 33

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Skipping down the narrow steps and down the overly white hallway, sleek floors that shone with the reflection of the cold florescent lights from above as she continued on down the hallway, ignoring all the terrified looks of some of the people she passed along the way that were being hauled off crying and screaming.

Turning through another corridor she halted in her steps when the strong smell of bleach invaded her nostrils reminding her that this part of the building was her least favorite for a reason. Curiously tilting her head, she continued down the hall suspiciously glancing at all the surprisingly empty rooms lining each part of the hall. The eerie silence of the place was defending.

Usually, this part of the building would be the loudest and liveliest with screams that echoed through the halls all hours of the day with the stench of blood, vomit and sweat littering the place.

Above every door she passed was a large sign, each holding a number for every room. "Guess it must be a big day." she muttered to herself, coming to a quick stop before she hit the last door numbered 303 on the far end. The only door that was always locked. The only door she didn't dare go into.

"Ah yes Toga. So nice to see you again."

Turning her head in the direction of the voice, she saw Doctor Fujiwara down the opposite part of the hall grinning through his metallic teeth the way he always did as he stepped out of the children's ward hovering about an inch of the ground as he slowly approached her. He was an older bald man with a long face, unsettling pale skin and always seemed to have a cold unpleasant glint in his eyes that always managed to make her skin crawl.

"What's with all the empty rooms doc?" she asked, cautiously eyeing the doctor as he glanced down at his pristine black suit underneath a suspiciously clean lab coat. Knowing full well he must have a few sets of these in his office with the way he likes to work on his 'patients'. "So, I'm guessing a new shipment came in?" she curiously asked.

"Of course." He grinned with an eager shine in his sunken eyes. "They're being shown to their quarters on the lower floors as we speak."

"Right." She said turning on her hells.

"But you... know Hana's been looking for you, so if I were you, I would be a good girl and find her." The doctor smiled with steeple fingers.


"Huh?" They both turned to the sound of Kenzo and Kage walking down the hall with the oldest brother quickly turning into a black cat and jumping onto her shoulder keeping his green eyes fixated on the good doctor.

"I'll be sure to check in with her." Toga forced a smile for Doctor Fujiwara swiftly turning back to continue on her way along another corridor. "Thanks for that." She quietly said to the two looking over her shoulder and seeing Doctor Fujiwara still smiling at them.

"Figured you needed the help." Kage said shrugging his shoulders. "Not that I care either way. But that guy does creep me out."

"You're one to talk." Toga giggled but it was short lived when her feet stopped in front of room 101. "How's he doing today?'

Turning back, Kenzo looked at his little brother who seemed uncomfortable just to be there. Before turning his gaze to Toga. "Hana went to see him today while you were out...said she was bored."

"I see." Toga said before opening the door and closing it behind her. Walking over to the dark figure huddled on the floor she sat on the wall next to him.

"How are you feeling today?" she quietly asked knowing she wouldn't get much of a respond as always. "I heard Hana came to see you again today?" Watching the figure nod, she exhaled loudly. "You know sooner or later you're gonna have to say something, these one-sided conversations can get so frustrating."

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