Chapter 34

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As nighttime fell upon the students of class 3-A they were all snuggled up spread around the common area watching a comedy movie Hagakure had picked out and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

It was half past nine already and they had yet to see the rest of some of their classmates come home from their work studies.

Yawning, she felt someone poke her shoulder.

"You should get some sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow, right for Hawks?" Iida said glancing between her and the tv.

Slouching her shoulders, she looked back at some of the others engrossed in the movie annoyed at the fact that Iida was probably right. She had tried her hardest to sit through the movie to spend some time with her friends but the feeling of not getting enough sleep started to hit her hard once she finally let herself relax.

"Yeah, you're probably right." She pouted, getting up as quietly as possible so not to disturb anyone, knowing that some had already passed out asleep in the common room too.

"We'll see you tomorrow Ochaco." Tsu waved. "Hope you sleep well."

By ten she lazily trudged out of her bathroom dressed in a pair of comfy grey sweatpants and lose pink shirt before plopping down on her mattress and turning on her small tv and lowering the volume.

Checking the time again she quickly set her alarm before pulling out the stacks of papers from her desk. "Alright Mr. Grumpy pants let's see what we have here..."

Scanning over the papers she couldn't keep the amusement from her face letting out a soft giggle every once in a while when her eyes caught some highlighted portions with little handwritten side notes such as 'We don't need that shit' or 'Pay attention to this!' or 'This is important!' or her favorite 'I know you'll skip this but you better not!'

Humming to herself she still marveled at how focused, and driven Bakugo still was...apparently in every aspect of his life. She knew that he meant well, and this just proved how determined he was to make this work. To make them work.

Jolting her head up at the uncharacteristic slow loud banging on her door she frowned realizing that she had fallen asleep. When she finally opened the door, she came face to face with the tired red eyes of a still scowling Bakugo. "Ochaco."

"Katsuki." She mimicked his voice, hearing him huff before he let himself in and closed the door behind him. Shooting his arm out and grabbing her shoulder he made a bee line for her bed slumping face first into the mattress.

Startled she turned her head sideways with her back against the bed and was unable to see his face since it was still buried into her comforter and could only see his wild ash blond hair. Realizing this she let her eyes take him in noticing that he must have just showered and changed into a pair of black sweats and white tank top showing off his very nice arms... 'and how the heck does he do that? How can he make a simple outfit like that look that good!'

It was no surprise that other than his eyes one of the things that always caught her attention from day one were his arms. Although they were much bigger and ripped than during their first year. Gulping down hard she felt her cheeks flush even more when he suddenly lifted his left arm lazily draping it over her stomach and pulling her towards him.


"Eh?" Blinking in confusion at his muffled voice, she saw him reluctantly lift his head trying to muster up another tired scowl.

"I said I'm still mad at you."

Dropping her mouth open she wondered how in the world she never realized sooner how much she really liked this stubborn hot headed explosive boy in front of her, scolding her past self for ever ignoring the signs. 'He's too cute.'

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