Chapter 4

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Once she got back in her seat after lunch, she had a hard time concentrating during Ectoplasms math class. She had hoped that once Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo and the others came back that they would have more information on Togas whereabouts but she would never have imagined that it would be this. And how did they not know about something like this in the first place?

Bakugo did mention that there were a few pro heroes already involved all over the world so like he said it wouldn't surprise her if some cops or other higher up were too. That would be an easy way to cover things up.

"Uraraka?" Being pulled from her thoughts she saw Shinso staring at her questioningly with an amused eyebrow. "You still here with me?"

Giggling she rubbed her neck. "Yeah, sorry about that. I guess I just spaced out there for a minute."

Nodding he glanced down at their papers. "I know what you mean, and Ectoplasm made these problems seem so easy too."

Scratching her head with her pencil she looked around the room and it seemed like they weren't the only ones struggling with the questions. Deku was busy mumbling away while Todoroki remained as calm as ever with a slight frown on his face as he looked over the questions. On the other side Kaminari was already short circuited while Jirou was having a hard time concentrating trying not to laugh.

"Well at least we aren't the only ones."

Shaking her head, she heard Kirishima and Bakugo whisper yelling at each other with the latter angrily pointing his pencil at his paper obviously annoyed at having to explain the equation to the red head.

"We all still good for our study session?"

"Yeah, I'll just have to meet you guys a little bit later. Mina, Kaminari and I still have some extra training we have to go to after school."

"Oh, that's right. That rough."

"Yeah." Shrugging her shoulders, she continued to work on the paper. "But I don't mind. Besides It's only for a couple more days." She said as the bell rang, and everyone started gathering their things.

"Well at least you're taking it well considering we have a training session next." Shinso smirked following her out the door.

"Yeah, please don't remind me!" she whined slouching her shoulders.

"Don't worry I'm sure it won't be too bad...I hope."

"Geez thanks Shinso that really helped me." She sarcastically rolled her eyes making him chuckle.


"Ok...what about Sato?" Mina grinned as the girls were changing into their hero suits in the locker rooms.

"Hmm...maybe a 7 or 8?" Jirou said, taking a moment to think about it.

"I know what you mean...if were talking body then yes definitely!" Hagakure said laughing. "Plus, for being so buff he is a big softy. So, I'd give him a 9 or 10 in the boyfriend department."

As the girls continued to name of some of their male classmates debating on looks and possible relationships, Uraraka quietly listened.

"Ok what about Tokoyami?"

"That's a tough one." Mina said thoughtfully. "I'd give him a 6-7..."

"Really? I'd say an 8."

"Tsu really?" Mina wiggled her eyebrows.

"It's not what you're thinking. Ribbit." Tsu grinned knowingly at her. "It's just that Tokoyami is one of the more respective and shy classmates. And I'd think he'd get a 10 in the boyfriend department."

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