Chapter 43

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AN: Hey guys things are starting to get more interesting now with the remaining chapters (43/62) including mature scenes just an FYI in advance. Also I'm not sure where everyone's located but this has been a busy week with the weather lately and hope everyone is staying safe.

Thank you again for reading!

Silently skipping down the long hall, Hana couldn't help but smile at all the wonderful new noises all of her new guests were making. Peeking her head inside one of the operating rooms, she locked eyes with the doctor who already had a disturbing smile plastered on his face as he lifted up a pair of sharp scissors next. When he saw her mentioning him over, she saw the smile slightly drop before he said something to one of the guards and took his surgical gloves off following her out.

"My dear Hana, it's good to see you. To what do I owe the pleasure?" he grinned down at her.

Shrugging, she peered over her shoulder. "Any new progress?"

"I'm afraid not, but there are still many new patients I have yet to...interview. Some that look quite promising too." His eager smile returned, thinking of all the wonderful new discoveries to be made this week.

"And what about the child?"

"The child is being carefully watched and taken care of as you ordered. Rest assured once the time is right, we will verify if he is indeed one of the ones we've been searching for, but given the information you provided, it seems to be him as of now." He glanced down at the children's ward.

"How much longer?" she impatiently frowned.

"Now now my dear. All things come in due time. If you'd like we could dispose of the child right now."

"No." she frustratingly pouted. "After all the stupid trouble Toga and her group caused me just trying to retrieve that baby from his dying moms' clutches, I need to be sure. Ugh what a mess too." She giggled, remembering walking up to the crime scene with blood splattered all over the wall. "I don't know why I couldn't be the one to retrieve him."

"Well, we wouldn't want anyone seeing you there, let alone find out who you truly are now would we?"

"I guess you've got a point." Pausing, she turned her head down the other corridor thinking she heard something, but when she looked there was no one there. Closing her eyes, she quickly opened them again to reveal her white ones to which the doctor grinned knowingly. After another few minutes of silence, she reverted back to her regular green eyes and gave him a playful smile. "I guess I must be hearing things."

"Do try and take it easy my dear."

"Blah blah blah I have no time for that. If I don't get what I want soon, then I'll have to get it myself."

"Doctor Fujiwara, the patient is ready." One of the guards walked up to them.

"Good, maybe that'll stop them from lashing out again. Did you give them the anesthesia?"

"No. Just as you ordered."

"UGH this is pointless! I've told everyone before, no interrupting when I'm talking!" Hana shouted flicking her wrist and smiled as soon as the guard's head twisted around with his body slumped to the ground a second after. "Why is no one listening to me?!"

"We are listening Hana." The doctor grinned. "But I do wish you'd stopped killing all the guards here. They do make good puppets after all."

"Puppets I gave you." She glared but it didn't last long once she saw him bow and nod with an unsettling grin. "Don't forget that doctor. You haven't seen even a fraction of what I can do."

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