Chapter 11

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AN: Hey everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter! We are getting very close to their last sports festival and I can't wait for you all to read it!

Next update will be Saturday!


As the next couple of days went by Uraraka found herself walking along with Shinso to their homeroom after breakfast.

"Ok what about... Mirko or Uwabami?"

Taking a moment to ponder his answer Shinso smirked down at her. "Mirko."

"Really?" giggling Uraraka smirked. "Is it the bunny ears?"

"Maybe." Shinso laughed rubbing his neck. "Ok how about Manuel or Best Jeanist?"

"Hmm..." Uraraka placed a finger to her chin thoughtfully. "That's a hard one. I don't think I've really seen Jeanist's face...."

Smiling Shinso nodded. "Fair enough. Alright what about Endeavor or Hawks?"

Cringing, she shook her head. "Definitely not Endeavor, he's Todorokis dad!"

Chuckling Shinso nodded. "Understood."

"Hey Shinso?"

"Yeah?" he asked, looking at her puzzled face as they walked down the hallway.

"Is it just me or have people been acting weird lately?" Uraraka asked, staring at all of the curious faces watching them.

"Well now that you mention it..."

"Hey guys what are you doing?! You're going to be late for class!" Iida ushered them forward franticly waving his arms.

"Don't we have 10 minutes left?" Shinso asked.

"You can never be too early!" Iida scolded successfully pushing them inside.


By the time lunch rolled around Uraraka was busy standing in line drooling over what lunch rush had to offer today and pretty sure everyone heard the loud growling of her stomach.

"Hungry?" Todoroki asked also staring at the lunch menu with a hint of a smile.

"You heard that?" she sheepishly rubbed the back of her head.

"Hard not to." He said looking down at her. "Decided what you're going to get yet?"

"Not really." she said looking back at the menu with her eyes sparkling. "Everything just looks so yummy!"


Hearing the distracted tone in his voice she quickly looked over her shoulder before moving along with the line. "Todoroki is everything alright?"

Watching the usual calm looking boy frowning at a group of students not far away was pretty unusual for him. "Not sure."

Following his line of view Uraraka saw the same thing as they continued to talk amongst each other and point in their direction. "I've thought people have been acting strange for the last few days."

"Really?" Surprised at what she said he lifted his eyebrows motioning for her to continue to move through the lunch line. "I haven't seen that."

"You haven't?" She said looking back over at the group. "Maybe it's one of your admires." She grinned playfully nudging him.

"I'm not so sure." He said glaring at them once he saw them laughing.

"Come on. Forget about them the food is waiting for us!" she grabbed his sleeve happily skipping to grab her tray.

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