Chapter 29

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"This is your wake-up call. Time to get up."

Groaning in irritation Bakugo carefully peeked his eye open and sure enough he came face to face with a grinning Kirishima. "Oh, what the hell are you still doing here?" he croaked out feeling his throat dry and raw.

"Yeah, your welcome by the way." Kirishima said standing up and making sure Kaminari was also doing the same. "We had quite the slumber party here last night guys."

"Oh, fuck off." Bakugo winced when he tried to sit up with the oncoming headache gathering strength like an oncoming storm and making his skull pound.

"What time is it?" Kaminari groaned trying to go back to sleep.


"Are you serious?!" Kaminari quickly tried to stand up but regretted it the next minute.

"Yeah, we better hurry." The red head said watching Bakugo walking to the bathroom to get ready. "Otherwise, Mr. Aizawa said they'll leave without us remember."

Running over to where the rest of class A and B were already waiting, the three boys let out a huge sigh of relief at not missing their bus ride just as Mr. Aizawa arrived.

"Woah you guys look like you had a rough night." Jirou said avoiding Kaminaris eyes.

"To put it lightly." Kirishima grinned back at the two.

"Alright now let's get one thing clear. This will be a weeklong trip, so I hope everyone has everything they need. Remember we were invited to come because of David shield so I expect everyone to be on their best behavior."

"Yes Mr. Aizawa." They said in unison.

"With that being said, everyone hurry and get on. We still have a long way to cover before we arrive by plane."

Once in the air Bakugo was hoping to get some shut eye since the flight would take them a few hours. Wincing and rubbing at his temple he grunted when Kirishima sat himself next to him holding out a bottle of aspirin. "Here, I got them from Yaoyorozu. They should help, I already gave Kaminari some."

Already opening the bottle before Kirishima had finished talking, he wasted no time downing them down with water hoping it would help. The first time he was ever drunk, and it wasn't even by choice. "I'm going to kill whoever did this shit." He grumbled, closing his eyes, and leaning his head back waiting for the aspirin to finally kick in.

"Hey, do you think it was Camie?" Kirishima hesitantly asked, brows knit together since he didn't want to just accuse anyone, but after what Bakugo and Kaminari had told him last night, he wasn't so sure anymore. It would make sense since she did follow after all.

"Don't know." Bakugo said still leaning back. "But I wouldn't put it past her."

"Still can't believe she did that man." Kirishima shook his head disapprovingly.

"She better hope I never see her again." Bakugo said with a hard tone.

"Are you gonna try and talk to Uraraka again?" Kirishima quietly asked when he saw Bakugo staring towards the front where she was talking with Tsu.

The hurt look on her face replayed over and over in Bakugos mind, never ending and slowly peeling away at his heart each time knowing she was getting farther and farther away from him.

"You have no idea how much I want to. But I feel like if I did, she'd either tell me to go to hell or slap me again or do both." Hearing the red head chuckle next to him Bakugo tried to shoot him a nasty glare but still didn't have the full energy to do so.

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