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Publicly, often in interviews, the two discuss their relationship but do their best to pull back dramatically from the present truth of the whole thing. Though, fans piece a lot together by compiling information from different places. 

It has often made home life difficult for Lindsey and his beautiful wife. Sure, he has a desire to be at the forefront of Stevie's life, but he has an urgent desire and often a struggle to be a stand-up guy for the children he loves so dearly and their mother.

Stevie had never been a sure thing. She came and went as she pleased from his life. She said things in the throes of passion, that she seemed to have no memory of after her desires were fulfilled. She said things in anger that left him scarred to this day.

Lindsey had understood that the relationship with Kristin was a sure thing. She wanted to marry him and she was having children with him. This appealed to Lindsey, especially at 48, he was getting a chance to have a family and a wife. And this "sure thing" had seemed, at times, worth sacrificing the uncertainty of whether a relationship with the freedom-loving, headstrong, ambivalent Stevie Nicks could be. While letting go of her "Wild Heart" for a tamer life was a sacrifice that often hurt him deeply, sacrificing was something he must do for his family.

He was often perceived as selfish, "You're not like other people, you do what you want to," Stevie had sung. Many people believed that had summed him up accurately. No one understood the depths of his unselfishness, nobody understood what it had taken to let Stevie go after Kristen announced the pregnancy. After all the years without her, he finally had her back.

But, he let her go. Mostly anyway.

He reminded himself that he was also unselfish when he worked on the music she'd written after the breakup throughout the decades. He wanted to elevate her music and to be part of something meaningful that connected him to her, even when he knew that by doing so, she was moving further and further from him.

The duo had traded each other for the music, so the music needed to be worth such a tremendous loss. 

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