That's All for Me

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"Thank you for letting Lindsey's comment slide," Stevie told Mick as she walked into the living room of her suite. He was already perched in the chair with his legs thrown up on the ottoman. The snacks were all spread about on the coffee table.

"I've had plenty of practice, my dear," he smiled at her and winked. Immediately, Mick was aware of her sadness. Lindsey had put her through it for as long as they'd known each other. And though Lindsey had avoided discussing the affair between Mick and Stevie, he wasn't above throwing it out there occasionally when he was feeling particularly jealous.

It wasn't that Stevie hadn't given as good as she'd got with Lindsey. She certainly had. But she seemed pretty beaten down tonight. Mick's guess was that she wasn't starting this most recent row and that she didn't much want to participate in it.

"How's it going?" Mick asked, leaving what he was referring to open to interpretation in case she didn't feel much like getting into things about Lindsey. Mick and Stevie spent a lot of time together, and he knew almost everything that had gone down with Stevie over the years. He wasn't sure what had kicked off their latest feud but was fairly sure it would be just an extension of the previous decades-long ongoing battle. They weren't together, and they were pissed about it. That was typically the crux of the thing in a nutshell.

"I'm getting too old to do this, Mick. You know how I feel about Lindsey. But I'm not sure I can live out my days with him in my face all the time. He's pissed with me. Again."

"What's he mad about this time?" Mick inquired.

She recounted the whole unfortunate tale to Mick, who was surprised about the whole thing with Kristen. Surprisingly, Stevie had kept that to herself. "Well, it may have been the wrong choice, but it's the choice that was made, and there's nothing you or Lindsey can do to change that. You did what you thought was best, dear. It's a shame he won't give you credit for trying to put him first."

"Who do you think is in the right?"

"Oh, Stevie. I have no doubt that you meant well. Second-guessing your intentions at the time will do no one any good."

"So, you think I was wrong?" Stevie asked.

"Do you want honesty? Or do you need someone in your corner?" Mick asked.

"Honesty," she answered, though she didn't sound very convincing.

"I think he should have had some say in the choices that impacted his life. But I also know that you were doing what you thought was best for him. I don't fault you for that. You've always had a tendency to want to take care of him."

"I love him, Mick. And I just didn't want him to screw up his family. He would have regretted it, and he would have resented me. But, now he resents me anyway, and I didn't have any happy days with him prior to being the object of his resentment."

"There are always regrets. And I'm sure Lindsey wishes he'd had the option to choose rather than to have his choices made for him. I just hope he knows your heart was in the right place. How does he feel about Kristen's role in this?"

"We honestly haven't talked about that. I almost wish that Kristen was here so Lindsey at least would have to dial back his anger at me. If for no other reason than to avoid drawing her attention to it," Stevie told the tall Englishman.

"I don't really want to talk about this anymore if you don't mind," Stevie said. And just like that, Mick leaned forward, tossed her a box of animal crackers, and hit play on the remote. Stevie put her head on his shoulder. Mick put his arm around his old friend and gave her an encouraging squeeze before they turned their attention to the television.

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