No One Else Exists

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The sun set and rose again, with Stevie and Lindsey only unraveling their bodies long enough for her to do a line or for Lindsey to have a bite to eat. Stevie wasn't really eating these days. It would soon be time for Lindsey to face Carol Ann and for the two of them to head back to the studio to work. Both of them dreaded leaving the confines of Stevie's cozy bedroom. How things would move forward, neither was sure.

They pulled themselves apart with a few final kisses, caresses, and expressions of love. Neither discussed how things would work going forward, leaving them both far more uneasy than they'd like to be with each other.

Lindsey knew he could make some excuses about falling asleep at the studio, having too much to drink, or trying to call, but finding the phone was busy. Like most people who fooled themselves, she wanted to trust him, so she would.

He hated to hurt her; she was a nice girl, and she'd make someone a good partner. She just wasn't Stevie, which made her the wrong partner for him. He knew this from early on in the relationship.

The thing he didn't know was if he should come clean with her and end it mercifully. He was afraid to do that because if Stevie didn't want to be with him, which was a distinct possibility, she'd mostly brushed him off for so long now, then he'd be all alone. Lindsey wasn't mature enough at this stage of his life to understand that not being alone didn't mean that he wasn't lonely. And he leaned towards a little self-preservation.

Carol Ann was happy to make him her first priority, far behind her career aspirations, unlike Stevie. She was pretty, if you didn't look too closely, you might see some similarities with the woman he actually loved. She was pliable and eager to please in and out of bed. He liked her fine and he didn't have any desire to hurt her.

Over all, she was fine.


Stevie wanted to keep things quiet, she thought. Having Lindsey back in her bed, and in her home, had been amazing. The memories of their encounter coming back to her in flashes that made her shudder with desire. That familiar soreness left from the way Lindsey had so aggressively fucked her was a delicious reminder of how they'd used each other's bodies last night. She couldn't wait to be alone with him again.

She absolutely wanted a future with him, but for now, she wanted to keep things private. Between breaking things off with Carol Ann and Don and the reaction from her family, friends, and the band, she wanted a little time to ease back into things and make sure they were in a good place to sustain all of that drama before letting anyone in on what was happening. There would be fall out, and she wasn't ready for that.

She was exhausted after last night. A bump or two would help. She reached for her velvet bag.


Stevie made her way to the studio, looking forward to being there with Lindsey. She'd applied some makeup, trying to cover the dark circles from lack of sleep and the little bruising on her neck that must be from a love bite Lindsey had given her. She was so caught up in all the sensations that she hadn't expected a bruise.

There had been a familiar pattern with the two of them since their breakup a few years ago. A trained observer would know what was happening with them by the atmosphere in the room. If they were having no sex, the atmosphere was contentious, and they were a miserable pair to be around.

When they were having hate sex, the atmosphere was volatile. Things could go explosively ugly at any minute, or one might accidentally walk in on them doing alarmingly sexual things to each other. Things that didn't look much like hate.

When they were having passionate sex, they were ridiculous, like horny teenagers. When they were actively in love again, they only saw each other. All other humans ceased to exist.

Then there was the runaway phase, which came less frequently when they couldn't escape each other due to band constraints. There were times when it all became too much, and instead of communicating or working through issues, they fled the scene. Sometimes they ran to other people, sometimes to chemicals, and sometimes, physically just as far as they could get from each other.

The on-again, off-again lovers never behaved normally. Never. As if there was some rule in place that they never violated, the only rule these two ever adhered to. Normal rules didn't exist for them.

There was not, nor would there ever be, an uncomplicated, friendly, benign phase. That would have been too mundane, and this pair of hyper-dramatic, uber-passionate souls wouldn't have had a clue how to behave that way together anyway.

They regularly cycled through each phase. They were currently in the passionate sex phase, she hoped. Though this phase inspired the most eye rolls in their colleagues, it was their favorite. Though, hate fucking was pretty hot too.


Lindsey oozed sex appeal when he walked in this morning. He didn't immediately acknowledge Stevie, and she, as the song says, "tried hard not to look up" when he entered. They were playing it cool, they thought. But, in no time, they were seeking each other's eyes. A knowing grin passed between them.

Lindsey thought about Stevie's dirty little game last night when he glimpsed the outline of her firm breasts in the top she was wearing today. It had been torture and an act of self-denial that he didn't know he was capable of to lie beneath her naked body and force himself to remain still. God, he wanted her now. Wanted to turn the tables and dominate her.

He glanced at her and could tell by the flirtatious look she was giving him that she was thinking of their escapades as well. He took a look at the clock on the wall, wondering how long they could stay away from each other before they broke down and fucked today. It was 2:00 pm.

Everyone in the room picked up what Lindsey and Stevie were putting down, even if the two of them thought they were being discreet. They were the most obvious people on earth, almost comically so. Their bandmates were almost immune to their escapades, so they chose not to mention them, and let the clueless lovers think they were getting something over on someone.

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