Back to the Present

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The song ended, and another started, and still, Lindsey and Stevie remained, swaying in each other's arms. This feeling of coming back together and being accepted, possibly still loved, and maybe even forgiven was so sweet and so delicate they both feared that if they let go, they wouldn't be able to hold on to this peace. Their feelings for each other would stand the test of time, but they were so fragile that one wrong move could fracture them and it could be years before they sort them out again.

Lindsey placed his hand on the side of her face, cupping her jaw and lifting her face up to look at him. He was very careful not to say a word that might spook her. He wouldn't for anything break the magic he was feeling in this moment, but he had to see her eyes. He hoped they'd communicate something to him. Did she still feel what he felt?

Stevie met his eyes trying to convey to him decades' worth of warmth and love, while working to omit the suffering she'd done in those same decades. The pain of the last years was softening, she didn't want to continue to carry or cause the hurt anymore. She stretched upward and kissed him on his cheek, her hand on his handsome face. He held her more tightly, but almost imperceptibly so, trying not to do anything to make her run away from him.

He wanted nothing more than to kiss her still full lips, to take her to bed and love her. But, even if she acquiesced tonight, she might regret it by morning. He knew from years of experience that impulsivity on their part often led to regret. He'd regretted enough when it came to this woman. He would do his best not to add to that list.

Stevie let her hands roam his back gently as they danced. Her every touch made him desire her more. Lindsey, as he always had with Stevie, felt currents of electrical impulses everywhere her hands had been. Since he'd first met her, there had never been a time that he was unmoved by her touch, and God knows he'd made a career out of trying.

She ran her hands down his arms and grasped his larger hands in her small ones taking a step back. "Thank you for this, baby..." she averted her eyes, "I mean, Lindsey." catching her faux pas. "Thank you for the dance." She didn't want to break the contact, but felt herself desiring so much more, so knew she must.

He fought the urge to talk about how he was feeling or to, even worse, act on those feelings. He knew that there was no quicker way to break the magic with Stevie. He'd give her the freedom to talk if she wanted or to initiate anything physical. But he wouldn't push for anything. He was just glad to be in the same room with her again. The unlikelihood that it would ever happen again wasn't lost on him.

So, he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead and told her that he'd be happy to be included on her dance card any time. She jokingly gave him a little curtsy and reached out for their empty wine glasses, taking them to the dishwasher.

"We need to get some sleep, lots to do tomorrow," she told him. 

They walked upstairs, hand in hand, dreading going to separate rooms. Their eyes met and darted away just as quickly on the slow walk upstairs, both thinking the same thing, "Why shouldn't we?" But, like the grownups they apparently are now, they used every bit of self-control they possessed to enter their separate rooms.

Lindsey was so stirred by touching Stevie tonight that he knew he would have a hard time going to sleep. Time with her energized him like no drug ever cold. Stevie felt the same way. Lindsey always awakened desire in her, often primal, but tonight, just the desire to be loved by him. He'd always known how to wake up her passions.

She took her bath, went through her skincare routine, and sensually rubbed lotion onto her body, which was burning with desire for the man in the room beside her. She grabbed a journal to write a little to help her sort out some of her intense feelings. The images she was trying to put into words were burning hot, sexual energies that needed less to be written about than extinguished. She reached for her velvet bag in the nightstand drawer, needing to abate the desire and go to sleep.


Lindsey was lying in his lonesome, too-quiet room next door, wishing it wouldn't end badly if he invited himself into Stevie's room tonight. He knew better. She was probably just tipsy tonight and a little stoned, and he was misreading the desire he thought he felt emanating from her. He was probably just substituting his own feelings for hers as he felt he'd done a million times.

He just wanted her so badly, and any chance he had to touch her further fueled that desire. He pictured her pretty face, and her beautiful breasts pressed against him tonight as they danced. And her tiny bare feet, with the pretty red pedicure, the clean smell of her shampoo, her hands running across his back, he lingered on every thought. 

He remembered her nails tearing at his skin in moments of passion years earlier, pulling him further inside of her. And kissing her feet before he threw them over his shoulders to access her more deeply. He thought of the sounds she made when he was pleasuring her.

He growled to himself. Why did he torture himself with thoughts of her? When he thought it couldn't get any worse, he heard that Godforsaken buzzing. "You can't be serious," he thought.

He put a pillow over his head and tried to drown out the ridiculous vibration and to purge the image of her next door using the vibrator from his head. He removed the pillow from his head just in time to hear her hushed but intense moaning. He was sure she thought she was being discreet, but he couldn't take it.

He knocked five times on the wall above his headboard, startling her.

Stevie had been imagining having Lindsey inside of her, filling her up and stretching her, repeatedly ramming himself into her, deeper and deeper. And then, she heard the knocking.

She was brought back to earth. She turned off the vibe and knocked back. When she heard Lindsey say, "Stevie, need any help over there?"

She burst out laughing. He could hear that naughty laugh through his wall and laughed too. It was nice being under the same roof, even if they were on opposite sides of a wall. 

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