The Truth of the Matter

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Christine brought Stevie a cup of strong coffee when she heard her moving. Stevie accepted it, knees curled up to her chest, blowing on the cup to cool it enough to take a sip. "I've ruined everything," she stated with resignation.

"You have not. Mick is working on the public side of things right now," Christine stressed to her.

"John is with Lindsey. He's asking for you."

"I can't face him," Stevie said, inching further into the closet.

"That's your choice, but you're going to have to eventually. Honestly, Stevie, the sooner, the better. Tongues are really going to start wagging if you don't show up for tomorrow's live performance and the interviews that are scheduled. There's a meet and greet, and I don't even have a clue what else. But rumors fly, and you don't want to give them any air. So, if you two can possibly pull it together and show up and, God forbid, act normally, that would be exceptionally helpful."

Stevie's tears began flowing freely again. The thought of having to face the fallout of all of this left her crippled. She expressed to Christine that she didn't want to see anyone. It was too horrible. She asked Christine if she had any coke she could spare since she was completely out. Christine thought it might improve her mood, so she took her necklace vial off and passed it to Stevie. After having a couple of lines, Stevie shook her head sadly, "I don't want to see anybody right now. Especially Lindsey. I can't. Please tell him I'm sorry if those pictures ruined his engagement to Carol Ann. Tell him I'm sorry for all the drama. Tell him I love him. Uh, no..... I guess don't tell him that. I don't even know what I'm saying," she mumbled absently, voice trailing off.

"Listen, you have to do this yourself. Hold on," Christine said, walking out of the closet, "the phone is ringing."

When she returned to Stevie, Chris told her what was going on. It would be tough, but it was the reality of the situation.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But you need to understand what's going on. Lindsey demolished your suite at the other hotel. He's losing his mind. Now, he's threatening to destroy his room, too, if he can't see you," Christine continued. "The hotel will call the police this time. Mick barely got them to agree not to press charges after the first room. It was terrible. I saw it when I got here. Broken glass everywhere, he ripped down the curtains, tables turned over," she shuddered.

"He knocked that reporter flat on the floor after you left, apparently. His entire chair flipped over. He's claiming he has a concussion. He likely does. Lindsey has come undone. Mick is working on keeping him out of jail, but he's assaulted the guy twice now. We can't have him getting in any more trouble, you understand."

Stevie looked at Christine, horrified. "So, to keep the man from actually ending up in jail tonight, you're going to need to see him. I won't leave you alone with him. We'll make sure you're safe," Christine told her.

"Chris, he wouldn't hurt me. I'm not afraid of him. I just don't want to face him."

"But, you have to. You love him, dear. And you owe it to him to clear the air," Christine told her, not letting her off the hook. "He's hurt, and even though he's an ass a lot of the time, he deserves answers. He thinks you didn't want the baby because it was his."

"What?!" Stevie sat up with alarm. "It was Don's. He needs to know that."

"Well, you're going to have to be the one to explain it to him. He thinks we're just trying to pacify him." Christine told her. "I'm sorry you can't take your time with this, but you're going to be on camera together way sooner than will be convenient. And you two simply have to talk first."

Stevie nodded, unable to form any words.

"John and Mick have Lindsey in the car on the way here now, sweetie," Christine grimaced as she delivered that news. "Get yourself together. I'm sorry you have to do this."

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