Be Careful What You Promise

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Lindsey and Stevie were, at last, a couple again. They'd made it almost four months so far, and it had been bliss for them both. They hadn't gone public yet, but it was just a matter of time. Stevie looked and sounded great. She was so happy to feel again after years of living in a tranquilized fog. Lindsey was so proud of her and loved showing her off on stage each night that they performed.

While they hadn't alerted the media, there were plenty of rumors flying about them reuniting. The tabloids were all over it. And neither of them cared. They were oblivious to anything but their music and each other. So glad that The Dance tour had brought them back together.

Stevie had started taking care of Lindsey like she'd done when they were a couple in their Buckingham Nicks days. She'd make sure that his clothes were sent out to the laundry and that she always had drinks and snacks that he liked. Any time she was out shopping, she'd pick him up a little something just so that he'd know he was on her mind.

Lindsey had always been somewhat protective of Stevie. But, since she'd come through so much, he found himself shielding her even more. He had tried to get her to sleep through the night, but she was influencing him to stay up late instead. And he was fine with that. He didn't want to miss a minute with her.

One night, after their show, when they arrived at the hotel, they were particularly wired. When they arrived in their suite, Stevie was thrilled because there was a hot tub on the balcony. As soon as the show was over, She suggested they have a soak. The hotel had left a bottle of champagne chilled for them, and she handed it to Lindsey to open.

While he was popping the cork, Stevie was getting out of her clothes. Lindsey was about to opt out of the hot tub because he didn't bring a swimsuit until he saw her naked body standing at the sliding glass door to the balcony. He admired her bare, round ass for half a second before he was stripping his clothes off too. There was no way he was missing out on being close to her.

The bubbling water and its heat soothed their muscles, and the cold bubbles in their glasses helped them come down from the endorphin rush the show had left them with. "Can you believe that this is our life, Lindsey?" Stevie asked him happily.

He looked at how pretty she looked with her hair piled up on top of her head. He truly couldn't believe this was their life. He was so happy that they were back together that it sometimes felt like a dream to him. And he told her so.

She leaned into him, rubbing her nose against his, smiling at how lighthearted they finally were together. Lindsey kissed her sweetly, small kisses again and again until she pulled him to her with both hands and properly kissed him. "I'm so happy," she said and sincerely meant it.

"Me too, baby. You're too far away, though," he playfully pouted. "Come here, beautiful," Lindsey instructed, pulling her onto his lap. "There. That's better," he smiled, nuzzling her neck. "I can't believe I went from rarely seeing you to being able to touch you whenever I want." His happiness at just being near her showed, and she loved it.

She floated her leg over his hips to straddle him, kissing him, her full breasts peeking out from underneath the water. He was so in love. He sometimes became overwhelmed with what a gift it was to be close to her again. "I am so in love with you, baby." He smiled and kissed her.

Lindsey made a heartfelt request, "Promise me we'll always love each other as much as we do right now."

Stevie smiled back, her heart overflowing with love for him. "I promise that I'll love you more every single day." She raised her hand from beneath the water and held out her pinky. "Pinky promise," she smiled as he held up his pinky and wrapped it around hers, kissing the knuckle of her little finger.

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