Does This Still Work?

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Over the next month, the tour was underway. While Stevie was reluctant to label what she was doing with Lindsey, it was obvious to anyone who happened to be in the room with them that things had changed between them. They were in love. They'd always been in love, but they were currently actively in the giddy phase of rediscovering each other.

On stage, their chemistry had always been unmatched. It was just never clear what sort of chemistry they were bringing from one night to the next. They could be angry or affectionate; either way, their performances were always charged. Behind the scenes, there wasn't anger this time, which was refreshing to the entire band and crew. Much of their free time was spent together.

As much as Stevie wanted to proceed with caution and take things slowly, having Lindsey back in her bed was too delicious to turn down. The man had boundless energy and was as creative sexually as he was musically. She loved getting to experience both of his creative outlets daily.

For Lindsey's part, he was managing his temper, his moods, and his occasional bouts of jealousy remarkably well. It's like they'd finally grown up enough to behave like adults. Instead of treating their relationship like something to control or to win, he was approaching it like it was something he wanted to tend to so it would grow and flourish.

They'd spent the night together for the first time the night Stevie had gone on the blind date with Edward. Lindsey had been handsomely rewarded for managing his jealousy. Though it had been quite some time since he'd been intimate with Stevie and he found himself struggling with some dark thoughts that began to intrude at the most inopportune time.

Stevie had led Lindsey to her bedroom, and he'd wasted no time unzipping her dress and watching it fall to the floor. She stood before him in the scarlet panties and bra he'd fantasized about all night and looked even more beautiful than his imagination had allowed him to consider. She was breathtaking, much more curvy than she was when they were last together, when she was living off cocaine and rock and roll.

Her new voluptuousness was intoxicating. He wanted to explore every curve. Her skin was so soft. He'd watched interviews and videos of her when they weren't together, and when her cleavage would show, he was so curious about how her body had changed and how she'd use it with him if he ever got her naked again. He was not disappointed when that day finally arrived.

Her earlier dalliances and infidelities had ignited a jealousy that he had trouble controlling throughout the years. He was working hard to extinguish those moving forward. But, that first night with her, he struggled.

"Off with your clothes, Linds. I expect a little eye candy from my hot date," she quipped as she tugged his t-shirt over his head. As he removed his pants, Stevie crawled onto the bed, giving him an amazing view of her lace-adorned bottom. She sat for a second with her back to him before lying down on her back horizontally across the bed. She scooted backward until her head dropped off the edge of the mattress and she was looking at him upside down with a smoldering smile. "Come here," she beckoned with her finger.

He walked over and reached into her tumble of blonde hair that was cascading over the side of the bed, admiring her breasts in that red push-up bra. He was blown away by how beautiful she was as he marveled at her stretched across the bed. She reached out with her hands and ran them around his hips, pulling him close to her. She found his already hard cock and stroked it, causing him to emit a moan and thrust his hips into her hand.

With an expression of pure lust, she made her request, "I want you to fuck my face, Lindsey." She pulled his length closer and ran her tongue along the head, tasting his precum there and telling him how good he tasted and how she'd often fantasized about having him this way. She parted her red lips for him to press himself between. Her lying there with her buttery soft skin and vixen red lips, dressed scantily in red lace and asking to have her face fucked was sexier than his imagination had even allowed for.

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