The Wrongness of it All

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Lindsey's mood became more melancholy the closer they were to the resort. Stevie over-compensated by chatting away. It was obvious to everyone how forced it was. "Bottoms up," Lindsey said to her as he poured her another drink. By the time they arrived, they were both a bit inebriated.

Lindsey and Kristen exited the car first, followed by Edward. Stevie was collecting her things, killing another couple of minutes before she had to start the next portion of this god-forsaken night.

Lindsey leaned in to give her a hand, squeezing it a couple of times, telegraphing to her how he felt. "Oh, Lindsey," she said almost silently as she saw the sadness in his eyes. He shook his head and closed his eyes tightly, doing his best to swallow his frustration. They were with the wrong people. He should be sharing an amazing night with her like they'd planned. Dammit.

They were given keys to their personal casitas. Lindsey's was larger to accommodate his family, and Stevie and Edwards's was smaller with a lovely porch. All of them were facing a pool that mimicked a natural pond with waterfalls spilling over rocks. The lighting added to the romantic atmosphere of the desert evening.

"Well, goodnight, you guys! Sleep tight! I know you haven't seen each other in a while, so I probably shouldn't suggest you sleep! How about I just say, have a good night!" Kristen teased.

Edward laughed loudly and wrapped his arm around Stevie, making a show of kissing her and dipping her backwards. "You guys have a good night as well! We'll catch up with you tomorrow."

Stevie tried to seek Lindsey's eyes, but he never looked up. They both walked to their rooms, thinking about the task at hand and that they'd be sleeping with someone other than the person they wanted. The part that was killing them was knowing that someone else was about to be on the receiving end of what they wanted more than anything.


Kristen decided, even though she was pregnant and tired, that she wanted to make love to her husband. She needed to remind him he was married. When he came out of the bathroom after his shower, she'd dressed in the black nightgown that always got the biggest reaction from him. She'd unpinned her hair and, if she was honest, tried to make herself look as Stevie-like as possible. She wasn't proud, but when your husband was in love with a fantasy woman, you did what you could to be a passable substitute.

She'd never even tell her friends the things she'd done to attempt to make him want her. Her life was good in so many ways. But, she came up short for her own husband, and she knew it. He'd taken his time showering, hoping she'd be asleep when he came out. But, instead, she was dressed in the gown that reminded him of Stevie. He sat down on the edge of the bed, and she came over and knelt between his legs, reaching into his pajama bottoms and exposing his flaccid penis.

She took him in her mouth, using her tongue on him until he started to react. She worked her mouth up and down his length until he was fully hard. Trying her best to make eye contact with him just to gain acknowledgment from him as she bobbed her head up and down. He refused to open his eyes, to really acknowledge her. And she hated him for it. By all accounts, she was a beautiful young woman, and he should be thrilled to have her this way.

Eventually, she stood and straddled him. She had no panties on underneath the gown and sat down on his now-hard cock. She rocked back and forth as he lay flat on his back on the bed. He moved his hips to meet her, but without the enthusiasm that you'd imagine after months apart.

He sat up and had her turn over on her hands and knees, and he stood behind her, trying to erase the picture of Stevie and Edward. After several minutes of rhythmic pumping, he groaned a little, signaling he'd come. He hadn't even tried to make her have an orgasm. It felt insulting after all the trouble she'd gone through to be there today.

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