A Scheme Within a Scheme

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When Fleetwood Mac came out to play, the very polite, very exclusive party guests were treated to an astonishing performance filled with emotion and aggression. The guests certainly got their money's worth plus some. It didn't take a genius to realize that there was no acting on stage. They were seeing pure emotions being poured out before them.

It would have been amazing for Stevie and Lindsey if it had been a "leaving it all on the stage" performance. But, it was more of a "just getting started" situation.

Stevie had felt so down that she'd done a ridiculous amount of coke, thinking she could reverse her mood. She was now possessed by a manic energy and angry desperation that, while compelling for an audience, was terrifying to Lindsey and the rest of the band.

Lindsey had done more than his usual preshow bump as well and was practically vibrating. He'd had quite a few drinks before the show as he watched Stevie's dressing room door so he could pounce as soon as it opened. When Christine stepped out, she glared at Lindsey, and he knew better than to approach her. He was certain he'd get his feelings hurt if she decided to give him a piece of her mind.

One of the organizers of the event came to Stevie's door when it was time to escort her to the cocktail hour so she could schmooze with the donors. There would be a meet and greet and photo ops, and each of the attendees would have an unhurried chance to chat it up with the rock stars. Stevie, as always, would be the most in-demand, and so she wouldn't get sidetracked by any of the guests, she'd been assigned a handler to help her manage her time.

Lindsey was waiting as they exited the dressing room and quickly fell into step with Stevie. "We need to talk," Lindsey demanded. Stevie kept walking without looking in his direction before saying, "I kind of hate talking to you, Lindsey. So, I'm going to pass."

"Stevie, I mean it, we really do need to talk. Don't blow me off now. You can't do that," Lindsey told her.

"I think you've said plenty," she continued walking, trying to outpace him with her short legs and her platform boots.

He caught her arm, and she stopped but snatched it away. "What do you want to talk about? How you think I'm fucking around on you? Or how I'm a slut and a whore and how no one would want me because I'm your 'sloppy seconds'? You're such an asshole. Last night, you were so drunk, I was hurt, but I could have let it go. But you weren't drunk when you said what you did earlier. You said it because it's how you feel. It's what you think of me," she looked at him with anger and hurt spread across her face.

The handler looked uncomfortable and offered to step away and give them a minute alone. Lindsey nodded that he should, and Stevie told them to stay put and that they didn't need time alone. "I've got a job to do here, Lindsey. In case you've forgotten, so do you. Once again, I'm working hard to keep you out of trouble, and then you get to punish me for it. I should have let you go to jail. At least then, you could just hurt me from a distance."

"Stevie, I didn't mean what I..."

"Lindsey Buckingham! I've been looking for you!" Stevie and Lindsey both turned to see Carol Ann coming in a slinky black dress that left very little to the imagination. She threw her arms around him and peppered his cheek with kisses. He half-heartedly returned the hug, all the while staring at Stevie.

Stevie rolled her eyes and clutched the arm of the man who would be escorting her into the charity event, turned abruptly, and left. Lindsey tried to shrug away from Carol Ann, but by then, Sara, Mick, and another of the charity's assistants joined her, blocking his path.

Stevie was gone, and Lindsey was temporarily trapped, being instructed on the upcoming meet and greet. He was frustrated and needed to get Stevie alone, but he didn't know when that would happen since they would be having cocktails and hors d'oeuvres at the party before they'd excuse themselves to perform.

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