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Stevie had self-medicated a considerable amount more than what was prescribed to her. She'd poured herself a strong drink and drank it before Don noticed that she had topped it off with another. The combination of the pills and the alcohol made everything seem like it was going to be okay. Mostly because she could so easily drift back off into a dreamless sleep where it was okay.

Don was concerned about Stevie. Since the procedure, she'd seemed hollow. He realized some of this could have been because of the pain she'd experienced or the medication she was taking. The doctor had been heavy-handed with the drugs, but that was pretty common where people like him and Stevie were concerned. The medical staff had known who they were and had been eager to please.

Taking it upon himself to care for her and keep her calm and stress-free, Don hadn't mentioned to Stevie that Lindsey had been over. He knew that she and Lindsey had once been a couple and that their break up had been anything but amicable.

What he didn't understand was why he often still came across as so hostile to her. It was strange. He was cold and rude the times Don had been around, making sarcastic remarks towards the two of them or icing them out completely. While at the same time, he also seemed possessive where she was concerned. The guy had a live-in girlfriend. Shouldn't he have moved on by now?

Stevie was going through enough. The last thing she needed was her dickhead ex making things harder. He figured she wouldn't be comfortable with him popping by. Jealous ex-boyfriends weren't something she needed to add to her list of stressors. He would have to leave in a couple of days for the next series of tour dates. But, for now, he was determined to run interference for her.

Stevie was surprised Lindsey hadn't called or come by. She'd left a message on his machine asking him to call her. She tried to piece together what time it was when she'd gone to the clinic and how long she'd been home. How long ago had she called Linds? She wished he were here to sleep beside her. She needed him more than ever.

But, she dreaded explaining to him that she'd been pregnant with a baby that was not his and had gone through an abortion without even telling him. Lindsey felt things deeply, and she feared he'd feel betrayed that she'd gone to Don and not him with the whole situation. But it wouldn't have been right to leave Don out of this. He cared a lot about her, and it had been his baby, after all.

It was a blessing that Stevie was mercifully numbed by the drugs. When upsetting thoughts descended, she was able to push away thoughts of what could have been. If Lindsey hadn't pushed her away in the hallway that day, or If she hadn't run to Don, things could have been so different. If she had become pregnant with Lindsey's child, she might have still not chosen to become a parent. But she might have chosen differently. Lindsey might be here with her, with his arms around her and hands on her belly, celebrating their future.

She shook her head, trying to mute the thoughts.

Suddenly, as she arose from the sofa, all the effects of the chemicals she'd recently ingested merged to leave her feeling off-balanced. She was very hot all of a sudden and a little queasy. She stumbled and hit her knee on the coffee table. Don quickly stood and caught her, protectively holding her closely, keeping her from falling.

She fanned herself with her hand and slipped out of her robe. She was suddenly so overheated. Her skin felt clammy to the touch, and she felt like she might pass out. Everything seemed distant and as if she was underwater.

She unintentionally wobbled into Don's open arms as he held her steady. As she was looking at the floor, unfocused and dizzy, he lifted her chin with his hand and looked into her pretty eyes. A lock of her hair fell into her face, and he pushed it behind her ear. Even in this sad, sickly state, she was a beauty.

He had no idea she'd taken the extra pills and was trying to determine whether or not she was okay. She clearly wasn't. So, he offered to call the doctor, which Stevie adamantly refused, shaking her head.

Don was concerned but hoped by morning, she'd be back to herself. If not, he'd call the doctor to take a look, whether she agreed or not. For now, he could tuck her in and try to keep her comfortable.

"Put your arms around my neck, sweetheart. I'm going to carry you up to bed," he instructed. Stevie did as she was told, smiling weakly. She put her arms around his neck and her head against his chest as he lifted her tiny body and carried her up the stairs to her bed.


An angry, drunken Lindsey had brooded in his car while finishing off the bottle he'd been drinking from. He staggered to the door, ready to demand to see Stevie immediately. He deserved that. She owed him answers. 

Before he knocked, he noticed movement coming from inside the house. So, he stepped closer to the window. Lindsey stood at the glass and peered through the small opening in her curtains. 

He surveyed the whole sorry scene. He'd seen Stevie take off her robe and watched it drop to the floor in a puddle around her feet. He saw Don Henley tenderly pushing her hair back and the two of them gazing into each other's eyes. 

He watched her fall into Henley's waiting arms, burying her head in his chest in a way that was so familiar to Lindsey that it practically caused him physical pain. His throat tightened. 

What was left of his heart shattered when he saw her arms voluntarily go around the other man so that he could carry her up to bed. 

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