Correcting Bad Behavior

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Lindsey and Stevie alternated between trying to play it cool and completely ignoring each other to giving themselves away with the looks, touches, and words they were exchanging. So unaware they were of the others that they had no idea how obvious they were. For two intuitive people, where the other was concerned, they had complete and total blind spots.

"It would have been cute if they hadn't run it into the ground already," thought Christine, "hopefully they can maintain this portion of their game until we complete this daily studio stuff."

John was recording his base parts, and Mick and Christine were standing in front of the glass, stretching their legs a bit and chatting. Lindsey took their distractedness as an opportunity to spin his chair around to face Stevie, who was on the sofa behind him. He gave her a playfully sexy once-over look and wagged his eyebrows at her. She raised her eyebrows in return and stuck out her tongue at him.

He mouthed, "Flash me," at her and gestured by grabbing the side of his button-down shirt and opening it a little.

She gave her head a shake and rolled her eyes.

He gave her a mocking pout. And she spontaneously lifted her top quickly, giving him time to catch a glimpse of her black bra. She bit her lip and pulled her bra down enough to give him the full view. He grinned and looked at her hungrily like a teenage boy who'd just seen boobs for the first time.

Apparently, the pair forgot that glass was reflective, and Christine and Mick had caught a glimpse of Stevie's shenanigans in the window too. She interrupted the scene before it escalated and nobody accomplished anything other than watching Lindsey and Stevie get hornier. Certainly, it wouldn't be the first time that had happened. She admired the bottomless pit of desire that they had for each other. It seemed they never got their fill.

"Do you guys want to grab a bite? We're talking about ordering in, or maybe venturing out for lunch."

Stevie wasn't hungry since she'd just had a line with Mick and had slipped to the bathroom and had some more privately. She didn't want to advertise that it was taking her a little more than the others these days to keep her going. Probably didn't help her energy levels when she was skipping meals. She wasn't hungry for anything but Lindsey anyway.

Stevie hoped John, Christine, and Mick might all take a lunch break so she could have herself a Lindsey break.


Break Time

Lindsey was hungry and was agreeing to lunch out as Stevie cleared her throat and she hoped imperceptibly shook her head. "I think I may catch a nap here, guys. I didn't sleep much last night," she said, glancing pointedly at Lindsey, the corners of her mouth turning up just a little as she flirtatiously twirled a long lock of hair between her fingers.

Lindsey caught on and also made excuses for why he couldn't come and listed some things he needed to complete in the studio before everyone returned. But, did ask that they pick him up something.

As everyone prepared to leave, Stevie pulled her flowy skirt up as if adjusting it from her place on the couch, giving Lindsey a quick peek underneath. Paired with the look she was telegraphing to him, he just wanted the other band members to clear out before he took her right in front of them.

He claimed he needed something out of his car and walked them out. Coming back inside and locking the exterior door to ensure they weren't interrupted. When he entered the lounge area, leaning against the arm of the sofa, Stevie stood in her matching black lingerie, looking as fuckable as he'd ever seen her. Her breasts looked full and perky in the lacy bra. But as good as she looked in it, he wanted her out of it.

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