A Nice Way to Start a Rough Day

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The sunlight flooded the room, and Stevie awakened with Lindsey's hard-on pressed against her backside. He had a hand underneath her and inside her nightgown, cupping her breast and running his fingers playfully over her nipple while the other hand was eagerly trying to find its way into her panties. It was a nice way to wake up, Stevie thought.

"Good morning," she greeted him, groaning at the sensations his body was waking up in her own. "You are so much better than an alarm clock," she stretched, pushing her bottom into him.

He pressed his lips to her neck, and she could feel him smiling. His fingers were now inside her panties, exploring. "Feels like you're ready for me. You feel so good, so wet, baby. So soft," She shifted her body so that Lindsey had better access to her warm, slick entrance.

"I wish I could stay here in bed with you all day," Stevie told him. Dreading getting on with the unenviable tasks that awaited her, she was glad to enjoy the distraction that Lindsey was providing.

Yesterday hadn't gone the way they'd thought it would, but they were committed to each other, and that was the bright side. Lindsey wouldn't go to jail, and Stevie wouldn't get raked over the coals by the judgmental public. They could focus on each other and their music.

Don had come into town after his show. It had been nearly dawn by the time he arrived. He'd wanted to meet with Stevie since he knew she'd likely be awake, but he'd spoken to Mick that night before boarding the plane, looking for Stevie's hotel and room number. Mick promised he'd get it to him if possible, but otherwise, he suggested they schedule a meetup time in his suite the next morning. Mick hadn't given out the address of the band's current hotel, so hopefully, there wouldn't be any surprises.

Lindsey wasn't thrilled that Stevie would be meeting Don in his hotel room. But she'd spent the day reassuring him that he had nothing to worry about. They were together. Last night, when she was straddling him on the chaise on their balcony, he was finally convinced to put Don Henley out of his mind. Still, he wanted to send her away thoroughly satisfied just in case Henley got any ideas.

Lindsey ran his finger across her bud, and Stevie moaned at how good he made her feel. He added a finger and made small circles varying the amount of pressure he was applying. When his touch became gentle, Stevie pushed into his fingers harder. He loved feeling her beneath his hand, trying to use his fingers to meet her need.

As her body demanded more, the rocking of her hips against his fingers was delicious torture against his cock. He pulled her body closer, enjoying the pressure of her cheeks against him. Waking up beside Stevie and having full access to her was overwhelming for Lindsey. He felt himself becoming emotional.

Her voice, a little hoarse from last night's lovemaking, was a sound he always wanted to wake up to. Stevie's body was hungry for Lindsey's probing touches. She could tell by the way his hips thrust against her as his fingers found a matching rhythm that his desire for her matched hers for him.

Gazing over her shoulder, she met Lindsey's blue eyes. Seeing how bad he wanted her the intensity in his face overwhelmed Stevie. She pushed herself against his length and used her hand to encourage Lindsey to use more pressure where she needed it. "I love you, Lindsey," she told him before another groan escaped.

She reached behind and stroked him, matching the rhythm he was using on her. "Put it in, Lindsey. I need you inside me." She removed his hand and bumped her bottom against him, her way of reminding him of what she needed. He briefly took his hand out of her panties and pulled them to the side before guiding his cock to her slick entrance.

He returned his hand to her soft flesh, probing until he found the spot that made her gasp. With the pressure he was applying, he could feel her gyrating slightly under his hand. This drove him mad with lust, and he couldn't stay teasing against her entrance anymore. In one swift motion, he slammed his entire length inside her roughly.

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