Oh, The Exes

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Carol Ann hadn't been able to get in touch with Lindsey since he'd been in Vegas. She'd spoken to Sara and knew something was wrong. Though her friend hadn't come out and told her anything, Sara's avoidance of the matter left Carol Ann especially uneasy.

She decided to head over to the house Sara shared with Mick and talk to her in person. She knew Sara was more likely to spill the beans if she saw how agonized she was over this. Carol Ann was almost positive the lack of communication had something to do with Stevie.

Every time Lindsey became distant, the problem could be traced back to Stevie.

Sara felt guilty holding out on Carol Ann since she wouldn't want anyone to keep secrets from her if Mick started up with Stevie again. So, when Carol Ann asked Sara face-to-face what was going on with Lindsey, Sara came clean.

Carol Ann was panicked at the idea that she was about to lose Lindsey and the jet-setting lifestyle she'd come to enjoy. She needed to understand what was happening so she'd know what she should do next.

Sara filled Carol Ann in on all of the details about Stevie aborting Don's baby. Sara told her about Lindsey sabotaging the reporter who was trying to sleep with Stevie, the stack of blackmail photos, and Lindsey attacking the reporter two separate times.

Most difficultly, Sara told her friend that Stevie and Lindsey had been involved prior to finding out that Stevie was pregnant. She told her that Lindsey had freaked out in Vegas after being shown photos of Stevie at the abortion clinic. He'd thought the baby was his and that Don had taken her to abort it.

Though it was painful for Carol Ann to hear, it explained so much. In fact, it all lined up with what was going on seven or eight months ago. It really explained Lindsey's distant behavior, the depression he seemed to be experiencing, and when he tried to make things work with her again. And Carol Ann remembered the messages on their answering machine left by Stevie. It was all coming together.

Sara filled her in on all of the tabloid fodder, the deal the two bands had come to in an effort to keep things quiet, and all of the potential fallout they were trying to avoid. Sara detailed for her friend the whole unsavory mess, hoping beyond hope that Carol Ann would keep it to herself so Mick wouldn't strangle her.

"Don was pissed when he found out they'd been seeing each other behind his back. He hates Lindsey. Like, Mick says he's really holding a grudge," Sara explained, "Don and Stevie are playing the happy couple for the cameras, but they aren't back together. It's all an act. Though, Mick thinks Don would take her back, if for no other reason than to spite Lindsey." Sara told her.

"So, Lindsey and Stevie have been seeing each other? They're," Carol Ann hesitated, "back together? But he lives with me. I'm his fiancee, and yet, I'm the last one to know. How kind of them. They think the entire fucking world revolves around them and could care less who they hurt. He's not going to do this to me, dammit."

"You cannot say a word," Sara told her. "Promise me, Carol Ann," Sara looked into the blonde's eyes. "Seriously, Mick will kill me if you do. It would be catastrophic for all of us. Mick has some financial struggles. He really needs this to work out. So, please, for me, don't say anything.

They've got this whole ruse going with Don Henley, and you can't say a word that might fuck that up for them, for us. You'd be messing with Fleetwood Mac or the Eagles. You don't want their wrath," Sara warned Carol Anne, "talk about being banished to outer darkness!

"If you want to work things out with Lindsey, starting trouble won't help. If you open your mouth, you'll never have a chance with him. Carol Ann. I'm sure Lindsey loves you. You're beautiful, and he's been so wild about you! He just got blinded by that witch. You can work things out with him, I'm sure of it. Stevie will move on soon enough. But, for now, you have to zip it," Sara said, making a zipped lip gesture at her friend.

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