The Before

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The most effective tool to employ if one wishes to antagonize Lindsey Buckingham is to use Stevie Nicks. She will forever be a sore spot for him. And Don Henley knew this. He watched Lindsey cozy up to her while they were having drinks. He overheard a couple of drummer jokes and noticed how attentive he was to Stevie. He had a beautiful young wife, but Don thought it was obvious that he was still carrying a torch for his ex-girlfriend.

Don had never cared for Lindsey. He'd been an ass to him, had fucked around with Stevie when they were a couple, and was probably the reason he and Stevie hadn't ended up together. Of course, it was fine. He still thought the world of Stevie and wouldn't be opposed to romancing her a little, but they were good friends these days. They kept in pretty close contact and always managed to spend some time together if they found themselves in the same cities. They could count on each other to show up for benefits and charities if the other called them.

He had no claim on Stevie, but still, the idea of Buckingham having one rubbed him wrong. He wanted to remind him that he hadn't won every round when it came to Stevie. So, his competitive streak reared its ugly head.

The mood seemed to darken between the former couple at the very mention of her leaving on Don's plane. He remembered that night well. For several shows, Fleetwood Mac and the Eagles shared top billing at music festivals around the country. Don had taken particular pleasure in performing with Stevie and making Lindsey play back up. He liked shining on his affection for the little blonde with flirtatious touches and looks.

Don even kissed her at one of the performances. And he was rewarded by a sour chord from Lindsey, so he knew the guitarist had seen the whole thing. She tried to push Don away laughingly so as not to ruin the show's magic but to let him know he was crossing the line. He grabbed her hand to hold it, and while she smiled widely up at him, she dug her fingernail into his hand in warning.

As they left the stage that night, he held Stevie's hand. But, as soon as they were backstage, Lindsey walked up to him and snatched Stevie away from him. "Watch it, Henley. Get the fuck away from her," Lindsey warned the drummer.

Don feigned confusion, "What?" laughing snarkily at how effectively he'd provoked Lindsey. This was too easy.

Don remembered Lindsey dragging Stevie away. She'd practically had to run to keep up with his long strides. Over her shoulder, she'd cast a murderous glance at Don, who openly mocked her with a laugh and shrug, then pointed to Lindsey and mouthed, "Crazy," making circles with his finger to the side of his head.


Don and Stevie's dates had begun making the gossip rags. When one of the monthly publications landed, they'd already been out a couple of times, and there was a three-page spread about their music, relationship, and the latest sightings of the pair. Mick was the first in the band to see the photos and write-up and was sure it would convince the public that Don and Stevie were hot and heavy. Hell, he was nearly convinced. In one sequence, they sat at the bar, and Stevie was wearing a dress that exposed her back. It appeared that Don had his hand beneath her dress on her ass. In the next photo, they were whispering and laughing, Stevie leaning in close to him.

There were pictures of them gambling together, Stevie kissing the dice and looking like a very glamourous lucky charm as Don draped his arm around her waist. Photos of them dancing helped cement their perceived connection. Everyone would buy that they were madly in love. And they did make a really good-looking couple. Everyone who'd profit from the songs they sang together was seeing dollar signs.

But, as well as the media blitz was working, Mick knew there would be hell to pay for everyone in Lindsey's vicinity if he saw these, so he did his best to keep them out of sight. Especially when the following day, another of the more seedy tabloids featured Don and Stevie on the front page. These were pictures that the Fleetwood Mac team weren't aware of. There was a picture of Stevie outside Don's hotel suite. She has her hand beneath his chin, she's leaning against the hotel wall, and they're looking into each other's eyes. The next photo is of the two of them kissing, and then there's a photo of the two embracing.

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