Press Party Dangers

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Stevie scanned the bar inside the limo that was taking her to the hotel for the party until she found the bottle she was looking for. She poured herself a generous drink and enjoyed the warmth it brought. She'd fortified herself with a little coke while she was getting ready, and she was finally shaking off that lingering disgusted feeling she had from Lindsey's earlier rejection.

Twice, he'd pulled something like that, and she had determined that she most certainly would not be available for a third rejection. Fuck Lindsey.


The penthouse was luxurious and had amazing views of the lights of Las Vegas. Everyone was thrilled upon her arrival. She made her way around the room, being introduced to other guests and party attendees. Quite a few of those big names were familiar to her. As the night went on, she helped herself to the white powder that was artfully offered on nearly every surface.

A combination of the coke and the crowded room made Stevie feel like she was going to spontaneously combust. She was overheating and needed air. So, she made her way out to the balcony for a second alone and to cool off, enjoying the views and her brandy. As she surveyed the scene, Russell, the reporter from the plane, came through the sliding doors of the penthouse.

"Stevie Nicks, fancy meeting you here," Russell joked since the party had been arranged so the invitees could entertain the two members of Fleetwood Mac who'd come to Vegas for the press junket. "Trying to escape already?" he asked.

"Just got to be a little much inside. I needed a breather," replied Stevie. He said he understood and wasn't sure how she handled having that many eyes on her all the time. She explained how much she enjoyed it from the stage but how the access everyone had or wanted to have to her was very surreal at times, like the public's interest in her breakup with Lindsey.

It had been ages, and people still questioned her about their split, as if it was normal to probe a person they didn't even know about the most painful parts of their life. She told him she'd be glad when their relationship wasn't something the public was interested in anymore. Russell chuckled and told her he didn't see that ever happening, which she thought was ridiculous. The interest in their relationship would die down soon, she was convinced.

Stevie thought the reporter was pretty handsome, and they had a smattering of chemistry. She needed to redeem her self-esteem after what happened with Lindsey tonight. She thought of that coarse saying, "The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else." So, she thought she'd keep him in mind for later tonight, depending on her mood. She didn't think she could stand being lonely tonight.

As her glass emptied, she knew she needed to go back inside. Russell enjoyed chatting with her and found her to be sexy and beautiful. That husky voice of hers and contagious laugh were more intoxicating than anything else on offer at the party. He reentered the party behind her, hoping to spend more time talking her up. Even if things didn't go anywhere between them, his story would be improved by the information he'd get from her in this setting since the alcohol would encourage her to let her guard down.

She refilled her glass, had another bump, and made her way around the room, the life of the party once again. As the evening marched on, Stevie began to feel better and better. She'd occasionally seek Russell out across the room, giving him more than one flirtatious smile, biting her lower lip seductively.

She didn't know that she wanted to hook up with him, but she also didn't know that she didn't. And there were other women here who might claim him for the night if she didn't give him some kind of expectation to keep him hanging around. She was investing in the possibility that she wouldn't want to go home alone.

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