Vegas Can Lead to Disappointment

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Things were off with Stevie. She was either withdrawn or wild. Lindsey was angry with her and wanted nothing more than not to be so keenly aware of her moods and behavior. But, ignoring Stevie Nicks was not something that Lindsey Buckingham was able to do when their career paths were so closely tied. There simply wasn't room to lose the awareness he had of her every move.

They arrived at their hotel in Vegas early that afternoon, having taken a private jet with their accompanying staff. Lindsey and Stevie mostly ignored each other for the first part of the short trip, but by the end, they struck up a conversation about a party they were invited to in a penthouse a record representative maintained on the strip. Lindsey claimed he wasn't going, while Stevie said she thought the professional thing was to make an appearance at least.

Lindsey felt like she was being derogatory about his professionalism and responded by making a quip about not needing to show his tits to get attention. He'd just show up and do his job. In fact, Stevie was just hoping to lure him to the party so she could spend some time with him. She just liked knowing he was around, especially since he wasn't traveling with that awful girlfriend of his for once.

When Lindsey got snarky, Stevie turned her attention away from him. The biting comments were his way of getting a fight started, and she wasn't taking the bait. They had a couple of press members traveling with them, and she wasn't providing any fodder for the gossip columns.

A reporter who was traveling with them was paying keen attention to Stevie. He had an easy, flirtatious way about him. He was very tall and tan with broad shoulders, a beautiful head full of curls, and bright green eyes. He had Stevie laughing until they landed. Stevie seemed to like him.

Lindsey didn't like him at all.

They checked into their hotel suites, which were situated precisely in the lap of luxury. They'd be there for five nights. They were recording a couple of songs and had scheduled interviews for syndicated television stations. They'd be doing some radio interviews and a few interviews for papers and entertainment shows that would air nationwide.

Stevie's room was already candlelit upon arrival, and her favorite bath products were set up in her bathroom, so she decided to take advantage of the downtime before the party and take a bath and stretch out before she had to get ready. The bath felt heavenly. She enjoyed a long soak before wrapping herself in the hotel's luxurious towel and searching for a nightgown. The bellman had placed her multiple suitcases in her closet, and she was searching for the one containing her sleepwear when she heard a knock at the door of her suite. She crept to the door quietly, still wet from the bath, and looked out the peephole to see who was there before deciding whether to be bothered right now.

She really didn't want to be troubled honestly, she wanted a nap. Curiously, Lindsey was at the door. That was a big old nope for her. He was cruising for a fight earlier, and she was taking some advice her mom had given her over the years. She'd say, "Remember Stevie, you don't have to attend every argument you're invited to."

As she was backing away from the door, she tripped over this ridiculous porcelain umbrella holder beside the door. As she fell down, it cracked on the travertine floor, and pieces fell everywhere. There was no pretending she wasn't in the room now.

"Stevie, what was that? Are you alright?"

Shit, she had no shoes on, and there were literally shards of the umbrella holder everywhere. She was sure she'd slice her feet to shreds if she tried to walk out of there to grab a broom. "Hold on," she said, reaching the doorknob from her sitting position and releasing the lock. As Lindsey entered, Stevie was kneeling on the floor, surrounded by debris, and trying to reposition her towel to cover her nakedness. Her hair was wet, and droplets of water were on her face, shoulders, and chest.

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