That's All for Everyone

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Was it really going to end like this? Lindsey wondered. They had danced around ending this thing for years. Temporarily, they'd wander away, run away, or chase each other off. But they never meant for it to actually be over. For this reason, they had not completely severed their connection with the band. As long as they were both members in good standing of Fleetwood Mac, they always had a way back in. If they actually dissolved their professional relationship, they would never have a reason to be near each other again.

This was something that was understood by the two of them. Lindsey's original departure from the band was a devastating blow to Stevie because of that lost connection. Without the band, they no longer had a chance. She'd been noted as saying that when he left was when they actually broke up, long after they claimed their relationship was over.

Eventually, the band brought them back together and presented them with another chance at being together. Of course, it hadn't worked in the long run, but it was nice while it lasted. It brought them together again after Lindsey had married. The difficult part to wrap their heads around was that when there was no band, there was no Lindsey and Stevie.

This time, Stevie's actions had a ring of finality about them. By kicking Lindsey out of the band or leaving if he remained, Stevie was ending things. She wasn't simply pushing him away so she could pull him in later when she deemed it appropriate, he thought.

She wasn't taking a break to regroup. She simply didn't want to fight anymore, didn't want to fuck up his life, didn't want to hurt herself anymore, and certainly didn't want to ruin his kids' lives. She wasn't only trying to resist the magnetic hold they had on each other; she wanted it gone. She wasn't trying to keep him in her life anymore, even if that was on the periphery. She was cutting ties with him. She was ending it.

Lindsey was devastated. He'd poured himself into the band, into the music he'd produced and the direction he'd led them in. He blamed joining the band for the loss of Stevie. If he had to lose her, he should at least be able to keep the band.

Stevie knew he was proud of his contributions, and though, at times, he had driven everyone in the band completely nuts with his control issues, he'd loved the band. It helped fund his smaller passion projects. She was robbing him of that income source. He wasn't hurting for money, but that wasn't the point.

When is she going to stop fucking with me? She ruined things between us. She schemed with my fucking wife, and I did exactly what they both wanted, even at the expense of my own happiness. And now, she's fucking with my career. She's cutting me out of her life like I never meant a thing to her. I hate her.

Lindsey was livid with Stevie. Was she doing this because of what he'd done in her dressing room? Was she that angry that he'd told her he was repulsed by her? Was her ego really that big and fragile? After all of their trials and tribulations, what was the last straw for her? Lindsey wondered if it could be the smirk or his anger at walking out to Rhiannon. Those weren't worth ruining the band's legacy, surely.

Or could it be that he told her that he felt repulsed when he touched her in her dressing room? He hadn't lied about that part. He was disgusted. After everything she'd done to him, he still wanted her. He was angry and probably wanted a good, old-fashioned hate fuck, to reconnect with her. And he hated himself for it.

But he still wanted her, and it repulsed him that he did. He hated how weak he was when she was concerned, and he said what he did because he wanted her to hurt, too. She'd ruined his life, after all.

He thought she deserved to get her feelings hurt. But was she seriously breaking up the band over it? Without the two of them, did the band have anything? This was disgusting. It was like she was punishing him again, only this time, the fans were getting punished, too. Stevie should be ashamed of herself.

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