Pajama Party

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Stevie knew she'd really outdone herself tonight. She sounded good. She could tell by the impressed expression on Lindsey's face that he agreed. The time spent with Lindsey on the porch had given her a boost of confidence. And possibly inspiration as well.

She wondered what kind of music they would have ended up making if they'd always worked together, just the two of them. Especially if they'd treated each other so kindly and lovingly, their music had so often been fueled by hurt, anger, and competition. She wondered how it would have differed if they'd played with straight-forward, uncomplicated love rather than the pain of their complex relationship.

"You sound good, Steves! I think this is the best recording we've gotten since we've been here." She beamed at his praise. He didn't easily offer it. You had to earn compliments from Lindsey, making Stevie appreciate it even more, knowing the kind words were genuine.

At times, Lindsey would practically choke on his words before he gave Stevie even the most well-deserved compliment. In truth, it made her work harder to earn them, but looking back, he knew it had been shitty. He couldn't understand himself. He made the whole process miserable for her. His entire goal had been to punish her. No wonder it had so often been like pulling teeth to get her back into the studio.

How could he want her so badly and want her to love him but treat her in a way that would make her feel bad just being in his presence? He could have won her back, maybe, if he had removed the chip from his shoulder and lost his attitude towards her. He'd been an idiot.

They'd finally decided to call it quits for the night. The electricity between them was palpable tonight, and you could hear it in their voices. They were both pretty giddy with excitement.

There was so much drama and so much pain in Fleetwood Mac. And a part of both of them wished they'd never joined the band and could return to their Buckingham Nicks days. They were enjoying this chance to try it again finally.

More and more, they found themselves wanting to do this quietly and to guard what they had from the pressure of the outside world. Both felt more protective of this collaboration than anything they'd done before. It felt like a chance to get things right for their fans and each other.

As soon as the press and other people were involved, the dynamic between them might change. For now, they both thought they could happily live out their days with the way they were living now, as unrealistic as that might be.


"Lindsey Buckingham, you look like a man who needs ice cream," she told him on the way into the kitchen. Mostly, she was trying to prolong their time together before he went off to bed, and she went back to her lonely room and her velvet bag.

Lindsey extended his arms and stretched. Stevie felt her stomach do a little flip when she spotted his still hard belly as his shirt lifted as he raised his arms. She was still wildly attracted to him even after decades.

Lindsey agreed that he did think he deserved some ice cream. He grabbed a couple of bowls and spoons while Stevie got ice cream from the freezer and began to dip them a big serving.

Lindsey was watching her as she licked the ice cream scoop with obvious pleasure, doing a little happy dance before putting it into the dishwasher. He loved watching her when she wasn't paying attention. She was so cute.

He couldn't help himself. He stepped forward and leaned in to give her an innocent kiss. He couldn't help it. He was just too happy to be close to her not to.

Surprisingly, without hesitation, she returned the kiss, allowing his tongue to enter her parted lips. The sensation of the cold sweetness from the ice cream and his warm mouth was intoxicating. He'd been kissing this woman since they were practically kids, and it had remained his favorite thing in the world.

Stevie had her back to the kitchen counter as Lindsey pressed her into it. Both were trying to keep their hands in places that would be appropriate for a couple who were trying to take it slowly. Neither wanted to take it slow at all. Lindsey accidentally bumped the spoons from the countertop, and they fell to the floor with a clang, reminding them of why they were in the kitchen to begin with.

The kiss ended sooner than either wanted as she grabbed two spoons from the drawer, and he put the ones from the floor into the dishwasher. They took their bowls and sat on the barstools side by side, enjoying their ice cream. Both were tired and knew their day was ending, but neither wanted to separate.

Lindsey lightheartedly spun his barstool to face her when he'd finished the last of his ice cream. "Let's have a pajama party, Nicks," and then added, "I'm not trying to sleep with you, though I totally will if you find yourself needing 'help' tonight. Cause I'm a helpful guy," Lindsey winked.

Stevie rolled her eyes and laughed, lightly punching his shoulder.

Then, before she could shoot the idea down, Lindsey said, "I realize we're in the same house, but I'd just like to be in the same room with you if it doesn't make you uncomfortable." He looked like a little boy asking a friend to play with him.

She looked like she was considering his offer, so he interjected, "No funny business. It's been years since I've slept in the same room with you, and I just miss it. You make the rules, and I promise to obey them! Scout's honor," he swore.

"As if you were ever a Boy Scout!" she giggled. She paused and looked like she was actually thinking over his offer, and Lindsey felt hope rising.

"We could watch movies," she added, letting him know she was in.

"Pop some popcorn?" he questioned.

"Do each other's nails!" she joked.

"Give each other facials!" he said, making Stevie laugh.

"Braid each other's hair!" she joked, "Or play truth or dare!" Stevie cackled.

"Sneak a bottle of liquor in? Smoke a little grass?" Lindsey joked.

"Play strip poker? Practice kissing on our hands?" Stevie laughed naughtily.

"Well, that took a turn I wasn't expecting. I want to hear more about the pajama parties you attended, Steves. Sounds better than what I'd imagined," he laughed, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm kidding! But seriously, get into your pajamas! Your room is the size of a phone booth, so let's not sleep there," Stevie said.

"I'd like not to have a backache tomorrow, so I'm going to suggest we not sleep on the living room floor," Lindsey said, Stevie agreeing wholeheartedly. "So, my room?"

"Let's sleep in the room beside yours, the one I was sleeping in. That way, I don't invade your space," he genuinely didn't think he'd sleep imagining what was in her nightstand drawer. He was still a horny teenager, where she was concerned.

"Deal!" she smiled. "Meet you there in a few!"

They both scooted off to their rooms and put on their pajamas. Lindsey put on a pair of blue and white pajama bottoms with a white tee shirt and Stevie a silky pair of short burgundy pajamas with a silk cami, topped it off with a matching robe.

Stevie hurriedly washed her face, brushed her teeth, and applied some lotion and a little perfume. She brushed her long hair until it shined and then messed it up a little so it didn't look like she was trying too hard. She grinned at herself and shook her head at her reflection in the mirror. She felt like a teenager going on her first date.


Meanwhile, Lindsey had pulled the mattress from the bed in the spare bedroom next door so they could sleep on it on the floor, for old time's sake. He hoped she would recognize the gesture and would remember the many nights they'd stayed up like they were kids at a pajama party in their old apartment.

He looked for a movie he thought she might enjoy and went downstairs to pop some microwave popcorn.

Stevie packed a bag of sleepover goodies and headed next door. She got the warmest feeling when she walked in to find the mattress on the floor. He had no idea how often and how fondly she remembered those days. She'd always remember them as the best times of her life.

He was returning to the room with the popcorn just in time to see her delight. He was immensely proud that he'd scored a few brownie points. She turned around and smiled widely, telling him she loved it and giving him a big bear hug. He squeezed her tightly and wished he could freeze time. He was so happy that he'd gotten it right.

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