Obviously, They Went Back Again

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"Baby, I've missed you," Lindsey told Stevie while helping unbutton the many buttons down the back of the black dress she'd worn for their performance. His hands were sore, reminding him of all the drama that had felt was so tragic when he was punching things the night before. He was now thankful for that jerk of a reporter because he had somehow pushed them toward a reunion.

"You've been with me all night and all day. I think you just missed me naked," Stevie flirted.

He gave her a laugh and caught her eye in the full-length mirror, "Well, obviously I have," rolling his eyes, he said, "But that's not what I mean. Even though not being able to touch you has been torture." Lindsey pushed the strap of her dress down on her shoulder, placing a kiss on the little moon-shaped scar there.

"What do you mean, Linds?" Stevie felt his lips on her neck as she watched his reflection in the mirror, pushing the other strap away from her shoulder. "God, that feels good. I've missed this," she said with a sharp intake of breath. "You know exactly how to touch me. How do you always do that?"

Before he could answer, she remembered what she'd wanted to know, "You're distracting me, baby, as much as I like it," she smiled as he continued to place warm kisses along her neck and shoulders. "But, I want to know what you missed, baby."

"I missed your voice," he said.

He resumed kissing her, lifting her hair, and kissing the base of her neck. "You've heard me singing constantly, if not in person, when you're playing back the tapes you're producing. I'm sure that my voice must have grated on your nerves," she giggled, "And it's not like I'm exactly quiet," she dismissed what he had said, assuming he was all talk and couldn't possibly have missed a voice he heard all the time.

He kissed her deeply and looked at her again in the mirror, pulling her dress down to expose her bare breasts. "I missed the things you used to say to me," he looked at her thoughtfully in the mirror. "I missed the way you sang for me. And I've missed talking to you. I don't have anyone to confide in without you," he laughed and shook his head, timid to admit the next thing he said, "I still talk to you in my head. And I hear your voice telling me what I need to hear. Or maybe what I want to hear."

Stevie looked at him, a little surprised at what he was sharing. She'd had no idea.

He caught the expression on her face and felt embarrassed by his admission. "You must think I'm nuts," he went back to kissing her and running his hands over her breasts, hoping his odd confession would soon be forgotten. They watched in the mirror as his fingers pulled and gently twisted her nipples, making Stevie breathe heavier as she began to crave his touch even more powerfully.

He wanted to lighten the mood of what he'd told her, so he added, "Even when I'm imagining what you'd say to me, you'll be happy to know you're still a smart ass."

Stevie laughed out loud at this, "So, my voice is still haunting you, huh? You'll never get away," Lindsey rolled his eyes with a smile at her corny joke before turning her around to face him.

He bent down lower to plant more kisses along her collarbone and trail down to her breasts. With a hand on one breast and his mouth on the other, he took his time enjoying the way she felt underneath his fingers and tongue. Looking up to see Stevie's head tilted back and her eyes closed, watching her enjoying his touch was another thing he had missed so much.

With the lightest touch of her fingers, she grazed down his back, leaving Lindsey leaning into her ghost of a touch, desiring more. She untucked his shirt and began to unbutton his pants, then stepped away so that he could push her dress to the floor.

"I missed seeing you," Lindsey told Stevie as he looked at her so intimately, standing before him in nothing but her panties. She'd become so thin since using so much coke. And that change pierced Lindsey's heart. Although, she was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. "I missed seeing these," he kissed her breasts," and "this," he trailed his fingers along the curve of her waist and over her flat belly. The sensation of his gentle touch made Stevie hunger for more.

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