Heading Down a New Road

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Stevie and Lindsey had spent a lot of time together and a lot of time in their thoughts lately. That attempt at getting back together after the infamous "hallway incident" had been one of the times, and they'd come so close.

They both wish they'd had even a fraction of the communication skills that they have now. Instead, they spoke to each other through lyrics, often cryptic messages that they didn't exactly admit were about each other. At times, they spoke to each other through the media—still other times, through friends and bandmates.

Sitting down and speaking to each other clearly and honestly with their expectations on the table could have provided them with a whole different story than the one they actually lived. It's a shame they never tried to give the other a chance to explain themselves. They both thought they possessed some deeper knowledge about the other that told them everything they needed to know. It never occurred to them that the mixed messages they sent might confuse that connection.

Even now, some of that hurt resides just below the surface, and it can be a difficult job for each of them to keep those feelings tamped down. Their feelings had always been much harder to hide than the reasoning behind their actions.

It was a beautiful evening. Before going back into the studio, the pair had eaten dinner, had a little wine, and were basking in the warm companionship. Lindsey suggested they take a walk. "We need to get out of here, get some fresh air. Walk with me," he said as he grabbed her hand. For once, she didn't need to be convinced that Lindsey had a good idea. She set about grabbing her shoes, and they were soon out the door.

The two walked along in companionable silence for some time. Stevie stopped to watch birds, lizards, and anything else that caught her eye. She observed the most minute details of the flowers and commented on how the breeze felt when it went through her hair.

As she observed the world around them, Lindsey observed her. She had a childlike wonder, even now. She really lived, drinking in details that he somehow knew would end up in her journal, the small things as important to her as the big ones.

Her eyes twinkled as she paid attention to things like the warmth of the sun on her skin, the song of the birds, and the deep colors of the flowers and shapes she spotted in the clouds. They brought her memories and snippets of stories, songs, and movies she'd seen when they didn't remind her of specific times or people.

She was an artist, a poet, a singer, a songwriter. Her inspiration was everywhere. Lindsey felt so lucky to have this time with her. Seeing how she moved through the world again reminded him of happier times. He never really knew if something as simple as a stroll with Stevie could ever happen again.

These two were the reigning king and queen of unnecessary hand-holding, so neither thought much of it when they found themselves with their hands clasped. They'd always gravitated to some type of physical affection. Most often settling on hand-holding, it was a platonic thing they could do without setting off warning bells to those around them or to each other. But, it could be intimate and a way for them to communicate as well.

While they walked down this road in the fading light, reminiscing about better times, they both tried to focus on the good times. The bad times could be far too painful. Being together brought back some of those times, but both worked hard not to spiral into that dark place again.


The month passed, and the entirety of Fleetwood Mac did excellent work in the studio. Nobody dared mention the Stevie and Lindsey truce or whatever it was they were doing. They were just glad not to deal with their bad blood, however briefly.

Stevie's coke usage had increased, and yet she was still exhausted. More tired than she'd ever been in her life.

They took advantage of every chance they got. Lindsey didn't mind spending nights away from Carol Ann. He was going to be ending things with her soon anyway; he was just holding on because Stevie didn't want to face the drama yet. And she was right. It would be easier to dump her right before the tour and leave then, making a clean break.

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