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She didn't come back out of her room that night. Lindsey felt like a complete asshole and wanted to apologize. He'd basically accused her of being on drugs and then humiliated her by forcing her to show him her sex toys.

Her libido was never more strongly charged than when she was with Lindsey. The way his blue eyes roamed her body would always do something to her. She knew this would be a factor going in, so to offset the sexual tension, she figured it was safe to come equipped with some helpful aids in her arsenal.

When their eyes caught, or he had his hand on the small of her back walking up to the bedroom at night, she felt that impulse to demand that he fuck her immediately. That vibrator helped take the edge off, though a poor substitute for having him inside of her.

She was so angry right now. She hated the idea of him thinking she was so lonely, unwanted, unloveable and pathetic that she had to fuck herself. The truth was, she was empowered in her own sexuality enough to satisfy her own needs. In fact, she'd rather handle those matters on her own than have to date someone she wasn't interested in or have to deal with one-night stands.

He needed to make things better. But, how? He wondered what he could even say. He treated her like she wasn't trustworthy. He felt like such a dick. And now, he knew that she was sleeping with only a thin wall between them and was experiencing such need that she was probably getting herself off. He didn't think he'd be able to sleep again while he was here, knowing that was happening next door.

He reached the wall behind him and gave it five steady knocks. No knock came in answer. He lay there in the quiet darkness for some time before he detected a steady stream of squeaks from the mattress next door. He became very still and listened to the faint buzz of what must have been her vibrator.

He felt himself growing hard despite himself. He tried to picture what she was doing to herself next door. And who she was thinking about. After his behavior this evening, he was fairly certain it wouldn't be him. He detected a rocking sound that must have been her headboard rocking lightly against the wall and then a soft moan. Seconds later, the buzzing stopped, and he didn't hear anything else.

He imagined Stevie, panties off, the sex toy inside of her still, going to sleep satisfied. He was angry that it wasn't him that satisfied her tonight. Lindsey wishes he could have made that whole scene up to her. 

He reached inside his pajama bottoms and imagined her writhing in bed, pleasuring herself, coming all alone. Something about the whole thing frustrated him almost as much as it turned him on. He would always want her, yet here they were. Busy fucking their own hands or, in Stevie's case, a prosthetic dick when the other would like nothing more than to spend a passionate night with them. They were older, but still so fucking stupid.

He imagined how she looked when the waves of her orgasms took over, and with just a few strokes of his rock-hard cock, he pathetically finished himself all alone. Knowing that the woman of his fantasies was next door experiencing the aftershocks of her own orgasm, also alone, made him heartsick.

Lindsey cleaned himself up and went to sleep, thoughts of Stevie and the buzz she'd created haunting him all night.

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