The Tall Grass

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Lindsey's mind drifted back to that little scar he'd caught a peek at earlier and the day it was formed. He'd used his fingers to pleasure Stevie on a park picnic table. Though the park was nearly deserted, it had been a thrill to see her so wildly abandon her more conservative sensibilities because of her deep need for pleasure. He loved knowing the effect he had on her and what he could do for her sexually. He liked knowing that his passion for her was anything but one-sided.

As they walked back through the park, he tried to pretend that Stevie was lucky that she had someone who'd put up with her horniness and get her off anytime she wanted, anywhere she wanted. He made her laugh when he acted like he was exasperated that this tiny woman was wearing him out with her unquenchable libido.

To tease him on the long walk back, she described in agonizingly toe-curling details how horny he made her and how she felt when he was inside her. She wanted him to be able to focus on nothing but her and the relief he wanted from the excruciating bulge in his pants.

"My favorite part is when you first put your cock inside me. I like feeling you ram yourself inside of me really hard. I like that sensation of wondering how your full width and length are going to fit inside of me and then having to gasp hard as I adjust to accommodate that delicious fullness. Baby, I can feel my pussy getting wet. I'm clinching it right now, just thinking about you filling me up."

The couple was holding hands as he pulled her off the path. There was some tall grass a few feet off the main trail, and his need for her was so great that he was happy to have her right there. He kissed her with such intensity, passion, and need that she thought she could evaporate into the ether right then and do it happily if this was the last thing she did. His blue eyes searched her brown ones for permission to be satisfied with her right there and right then. Of course. As always, she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

After a few passionate kisses, she unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down so she could access his hard cock. She wanted to stay on her knees and blow him, but this spot was too risky for that. So, they settled on the grass. 

His hands slid beneath her shirt, and he freed those beautiful breasts of hers. He was leaning forward to get them into his mouth. He felt a thrill at that sharp intake of breath he heard from Stevie and the chill bumps he felt along her arms.

Stevie pushed him backward, kissing a trail from his neck to his belly, where she'd pushed his shirt up to feel his skin better. He propped himself on his elbows to watch what the petite blonde would do next. 

What she did next would be something that he'd masturbate to for the rest of his life. She locked eyes with him, intense, serious, and oh-so-beautiful, while running her tongue along his body.

She held his hardened cock in her small hand and licked her tongue slowly up his shaft and along his head. The pre-cum on his cock was salty, and she groaned, telling him how good he tasted. He occasionally looked around for passersby, but having someone see them was the least of his worries at this point. He had more urgent concerns.

She decided to cement that connection Lindsey had wanted to impress upon her when she was on the picnic table. Lindsey, beautiful Lindsey with his curly hair and beard and his deep love for her, "Tell me what you want, baby," she said in her husky voice.

"Put me in your mouth, Stevie. I want to feel that hot little tongue of yours wrapped around me. Please let me come in your mouth." Her eyes were alight with the challenge.

At that very second, with her eyes never leaving him, she took the whole length of him into her mouth, all the way to the back of her throat, gagging herself on his member. He could have sworn he felt her throat close around him, and her eyes had begun to water a little. She slowly dragged her lips back up his cock, working her tongue around it all the way to the head. And while he was processing how good that felt, she swallowed the length of him again and again stifling gags at times.

She sucked faster until she knew that he was close. She never interrupted her eye contact with him.  But, stopped suddenly, "Tell me what you need, Linds."

"You, baby," he said simply, "I love you and need you. You are all I need. Always."

"When you think about us...our love, remember this, remember how connected we are right this second, promise?" she implored.  

He nodded to confirm he would. 

At this, she began to suck his long, thick cock in earnest. She was practically swallowing him whole, biting, licking, and sucking him. She couldn't get enough of him. She enjoyed the look of ecstasy Lindsey was wearing.

"I want you to feel good, baby," and so she made that happen.

She picked up the pace, his hips bucking to meet her mouth. Her hand cupped his balls while her other held the base of his cock, stiff and hard. When she knew he was close, she sucked down hard and felt the familiar pulsing as he spilled himself into her mouth. She opened her mouth slightly so that he could see his cum on her tongue and gave a throaty, sexually charged laugh before she slowly licked her lips and swallowed.

He was doomed. He would chase that exquisite, uninhibited, horny beauty through his dreams and his reality for the rest of his days. There would be others, but there was only one Stevie Nicks. He struggled to clear that memory from his mind. It was too dangerous.

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