It Still Works

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Lindsey and Stevie made love. That's the best way to describe it, she guessed. Lindsey did his best to be way too delicate, or maybe the word was careful, with Stevie. Of course, she came. He wasn't going to leave her hanging. Nothing earth-shattering. He'd gone down on her and told her how beautiful she was and how sweet she was the whole time.

It was fine. But it wasn't the best sexual encounter they'd had, in her opinion. It felt a little disappointing, honestly. It had been too long. Where was the intensity?

"Why is he being so weird?" Stevie wondered. He wasn't loosened up at all with her. He almost made love to her like he felt sorry for her. Was it pity sex? Did her curves put him off?

What the hell? He rode the elevator, waiting for her to get home, and flirted with her like mad. And then, when he finally was in her bed, he treated her like he had no idea what she liked. The lust factor between the two of them had always been really high, off the charts. But, it felt nonexistent from his side, and she felt the need to tamp it down from her side so he didn't think of her as somebody who hadn't gotten laid in so long that she was pathetically horny.

It was totally strange, and while she didn't hate it because he was incredibly sexy and he was absolutely giving her all the attention in the world. It felt off. It was like he was too respectful, to the point she wasn't sure he could even enjoy the experience. He was holding her now and looking at her adoringly. She couldn't put her finger on what the deal was, but there was something there that she wasn't sure about.

"In the spirit of starting things off with honesty and transparency, I'm going to need you to tell me what that was," Stevie told Lindsey.

"Wow! You are getting forgetful in your old age. That was called "making love," he joked.

"Linds, it was lovely. You know I love being with you. But it wasn't how we do it. Or at least how we used to do it. I mean, I know we're older," she pulled his arms around her as he spooned her. She wanted to hold him in place, so he knew she still wanted him. She wasn't trying to offend him or criticize his performance. But she had questions.

"Well, I love you, and you deserve to be treated with respect, Stevie. I want you to know that I appreciate you and hold you in high esteem," Lindsey said in a stilted but heartfelt manner.

Stevie rolled over to face him and propped herself up on her side, "I wasn't being given a key to the city for outstanding community service or an award for my charity work, Lindsey. I was just trying to fuck you. It felt like you felt sorry for me."

He rolled onto his back and looked at the ceiling, not speaking. "What's your love life been like since I haven't been in it?" Lindsey asked her, still looking at the ceiling, not sure he wanted to know.

"Excuse me? What's that got to do with anything? Especially what I'm trying to discuss with you." she bristled. The last thing she felt like talking about was the list of people with whom she'd been involved. And she absolutely didn't want to discuss it while she was trying to figure out what extinguished the fire Lindsey usually brought to their sex life. She cringed at where this was going.

"It's got a lot to do with everything, baby," Lindsey tried to explain, sitting up a little now and holding her hand to his mouth for a kiss. "Over the years, I've spent a ridiculous amount of time thinking about you," he looked up sheepishly, "Sexually. I remembered times we've had sex, and I've fantasized about ways I'd like to have sex with you. When I'd see you in magazines or on television, I'd imagine having sex with you the way you were dressed or wearing your hair. Lots, hell, most of my sexual thoughts have been about you. It's driven me crazy at times."

"Please go on, I want....I need to know why you weren't turned on by me tonight," Stevie replied to him cautiously. She was flattered by what he was saying. She'd certainly thought about him that way regularly. But there was more, and she was afraid she wasn't going to like it.

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