Smile for the Cameras

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Lindsey needed to be in control. Being out of control was a big fear of his, and he'd chased Stevie away more than once because of this need. She didn't want or appreciate a ruler.

She knew that he needed some control right now so he would not spiral into a dark place in the hours they'd be apart. So, she offered to let him choose what she'd wear. He searched unsuccessfully for a nun's habit, or at the very least, a parka. But, alas, she'd not packed anything of the sort for this press trip to Vegas.

He had her put on a flowy black dress, but when she twirled to show it to him, he immediately said, "Nope." It was backless, and he could see the curve of her hips and the two dimples above her ass. In the front, it was fine. But, the view from the back was one he didn't want to share with Don.

"Baby, it's fine. I'm going to be photographed tonight. If I wear something eye-catching, the tabloids will be more likely to run with it. The sooner we clear things up for Don, the better. I'll wear this. Everything else I have has a more plunging neckline. Don's a boob man anyway."

"Gross. I hate that you know that," Lindsey said with a flash of real annoyance that he quickly got control of before he sent her off on her date, angry with him.

He could see a faint outline of her nipples through the silky material and traced them with his fingers, sending a shiver through her. "Wear a bra, at least."

She laughed and spun around, pointing to her back. "The dress is backless, Lindsey. I can't. It's fine."

She grabbed her clutch and slipped into her platform boots, picked through her hair a final time, and said, "Aren't you going to tell me to break a leg? Because everything I'll do tonight is a performance."

"You're a terrible actress," Lindsey laughed.

"Let's hope I can pull this off well enough that it doesn't last too much longer."

She reached into her bag, grabbed a small, decorative vial, poured a little of the white powder inside onto the back of her hand, and quickly made it disappear. "This should help," she said. Lindsey shook his head disapprovingly. He had a problem with how much coke she did, but he knew now wasn't the time to start an argument about it.

There was an unexpected knock at the door, and when she opened it, Don stood in the hallway. He looked very handsome and well-dressed tonight, clearly putting in the effort for the cameras too. He looked at her and smiled in spite of himself, appreciating her beauty.

"Hi, Don," Stevie hesitated, "I thought we were meeting in the lobby." She didn't want Lindsey to see them together at all, and now, he'd have to watch her leave with Don. She didn't need Don going into this date irritable with her either. They needed to look like a couple in love.

"Are you ready?" she asked, not opening the door any wider or inviting him in.

"Let's have a drink before we go down. We have a little time before our reservation, and I'd like to talk to you a little more about this arrangement. I was pretty cold towards you today, and I'm sorry. But this could be a fresh start. We'll be spending a lot of time together, and you know there's a spark here. We should..." Don was cut off before he could finish his thought. The door opened wide, and Lindsey stood behind Stevie, glowering at Don.

Lindsey reached around Stevie's waist with both of his hands, circling her possessively. "Fuck off, Don." Stevie wheeled around in his arms, walking him a couple of steps back to put some distance between the two men. She stood on her toes so she could get his eyes back on hers. "Don't do this," she warned.

Don returned Lindsey's glare, "Steves," he said with a nickname he'd never used until now, faking a familiarness that didn't exist, all for Lindsey's benefit, "I suppose we should go," he said, returning his gaze to Stevie and letting it linger a little too long on her backside. "Buck, nice to see you. I've got a date with your 'girlfriend,' or we'd stay and have a drink with you."

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