A Lapse in Judgment

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Lindsey wandered around town, feeling that familiar ache of not having Stevie. He'd lived with it for so long and thought that maybe he'd finally let it go, and she'd be back in his arms again. But, no, she was making a date with someone else and clearly didn't think he was enough for her.

 Why was she seeing that guy, Edward? For fuck's sake, she'd come home from her other date with him and slept with Lindsey.

He couldn't understand. He wouldn't ever go out with anyone else if he had a chance to be with her instead. He loved her and wanted her love in return so badly that he physically ached.

On his way back into the hotel bar, he heard his name being called by someone at the hotel's front desk. "Mr. Buckingham, someone left a message for you earlier," they handed him an envelope. He opened it and read the message.

"Hi Lindsey,

I tried calling and couldn't get you on the phone. I'm in town like we talked about. I hope you still want to get together!


She enclosed the information about where she was staying and her phone number. He tucked it into his pocket and ordered another drink. He needed to go up and talk to Stevie. He knew she'd be angry with him about the things he'd said earlier. If he wanted even a fraction of a chance with her, he needed to make it right. He emptied the rest of his drink in two gulps and headed for the elevator.

He knocked at Stevie's door, and there was no answer. He waited a few minutes and knocked again, still not hearing anyone behind the door. He staggered back to his room and called her room from his. She didn't answer the phone. A bad feeling was taking over. She must have gone out with Edward. He wanted to punch a wall.

He waited and tried her phone and knocked on her door often over the next hour, but there was still no Stevie. He wondered if he had a key to her room and reached into his pocket, feeling the message from Kristen there. When he tried Stevie on his phone again, and she didn't answer, he dialed the number to Kristin's hotel.

She answered on the second ring.

She was thrilled to hear from Lindsey and made plans to have a drink with him. They were to meet at her hotel's bar. So, he brushed his teeth, washed his face, and started the walk over.


Stevie had gone to Christine's room to talk. Chris had noticed things becoming weird between Stevie and Lindsey early on. She had noticed that he kissed her head during the interview for The Dance. It was pretty obvious that the two were cozier than she'd realized. From past experience, she knew it was only a matter of time until it became a problem.

Stevie poured out the whole story while Christine poured the wine. Christine understood Stevie's fears. Lindsey could be cruel to her. She'd seen that way too often over the years. Part of her wished Stevie would just start anew with someone else. All of this baggage that came with Lindsey and Stevie was exhausting. Who would want that kind of drama and upset in their life?

She'd seen Stevie get involved with other people. At first, she was all passion and enthusiasm, only to burn out very quickly and move on. Lindsey was the only person who had a lasting place in her heart. She hoped they'd eventually figure things out so they could both feel complete either together or by moving on.

"I want him, Chris. I love him. It hasn't changed in over 25 years. I don't think it'll change in 25 more."

"He's jealous, Stevie. He's got a lot of insecurities where you're concerned, and it sounds like he's still got a short fuse," Christine ticked off the things Stevie would be dealing with if she chose to continue with Lindsey. The two had spent plenty of nights analyzing Lindsey and their relationship, and these certainly weren't new observations.

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